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Evans thoughts - 3rd and 1st person.


Crack, clang!

Evan kicks a small rock in his sight, the rock gets thrown into a metal bar, making a sound.

The silence between Cassidy and the boy was ever so deafening, and Evan felt shivers down his spine for no reason at all.

"I hate this place..." He mumbles as he continues to mindlessly look down while walking.

Cassidy let's out an annoyed grunt. Her contagious behavior makes its way to Evan. He feels annoyed now as well.

"Sigh Where are we going again...?" Evan asks, trying to keep his cool around Cassidy.

Cassidy unconsciously shrugs, though she responds with a clear answer.

"The upstairs at first, because that's where all our clues are." This bitch. She promised Evan they wouldn't have to go there, of course she had to double cross him.

He looks at his hands, which have already started to shake a bit, his eye is twitching, and he seems to feel a never ending sense of dread as they continue to walk. He eventually stops in his tracks.

Cassidy turns her head around. She raises an eyebrow at Evan, who doesn't seem to be willing to go any further.

"You said we wouldn't have to go there." Right, this would be perfect time to cuss her out, but he needs an explanation first.

Cassidy rolls her eyes, as if what they were doing was very obvious. "It's just so I can get that teleporting plan on track."

Evan scoffs, he replies back. "Oh really? You seemed to have a different explanation about 34 seconds ago."

Cassidy shrugs, again. Evan feels his legs already getting ready run away to another direction, but they feel so heavy to the point he just stays there.

Running away could easily be an option, but that would depend on Cassidy's reaction, which was hard to determine.

She never really seemed to plan what she does before actually doing it, which was why she was hard to understand for Evan, unlike the other entities who express emotion and desires way too easily.

Cassidy looks Evan dead in the eyes. She waits a few moments before suddenly speaking.

"Y'know you don't have to be such a coward, it's not like you'll die again once you go to the upstairs." Her tone seemed sarcastic. It made Evan's blood boil at her insensitive words.

"Just-- stop. Cassidy. I don't wanna go with you if I have to go there." He mumbles, keeping his tone low so Cassidy can't hear the shaky voice he has.

"The faster we go there, the sooner we're done staring at each other's faces, and the sooner we go back to our respective after lives in Heaven."

She counters, holding up her index finger as if she's trying to explain something as she puts her other arm on her waist.

Evan doesn't respond, he sucks at arguments. Besides, he honestly thought that was a pretty good point, but of course he's too prideful to admit that out loud.

"Well, I don't want to go there. The place gives me panic attacks..." He says, still mumbling it under breath. His voice and hands were still shaky, more than before. It was a good thing he didn't stutter at all while making that sentence.

Cassidy looks at him blankly again for a few seconds, then she groans and rolls her eyes, stomping one of her feet on the ground at the very same time.

"Ugh, all of you here are worthless!" She yells. Evan clenches his fist. He was more pissed than before now.

He yells back. "Just go away, Cassidy. I'm not gonna help you, find somebody else!"

"For fucks sake, I can't! Your the safest option I got. All the others are either powerless, or hate me enough to not even aknowledge my existence. Your the only one who can be of use right now."

She points her the finger that she was once holding up towards Evan, her threatening tone makes him flinch.

Cassidy takes two steps back from Evan, still glaring at him. "Just help me find the person who summoned us, and we're done."

Evan looks at her suspiciously. He sighs, and relents. "This is gonna take a lot out of me, so you better do your job properly."

Cassidy rolls her eyes at him. "Yea, yea," her tone did not seem convincing at all.

"If this wasn't for that damn person who summoned us back here..." Evan whispers under his breath, Cassidy does not seem to hear it.

She continues walking towards a run down door that leads to the upstairs. Evan starts to follow after her eventually.

Right before Cassidy could open or pass through the door in the first place, a small, familiar angel called Susie blocks her way, her small arms reaching out to Cassidy.

Cassidy grunts. "What do you want, Susie." She asks, kneeling down on one knee to be the same height as Susie.

"Mister is following you." -- Is all Susie says, pointing her arm towards Evan who doesn't seem to be pleased with her presence.

Cassidy forces a smile, clearly annoyed at her as well, but decides not to be flat about it to a 5 year old.

"...Yes, I'm aware." Cassidy answers. Susie tilts her head.

"Are you going with mister? But you never go anywhere with mister! I thought you didn't like him." See, this was what Evan hated about kids way younger than him.

Cassidy rolls her eyes, not completely, though. "It's for a special thing we have to do." Evan does not get why Cassidy won't just say she hates the other kids, when she's perfectly fine doing it with him. Especially when their this annoying.

"Ohh, are you doing the summoning thing?? Wait, what's the summoning thing again?" Susie's just confused now.

Evan speaks up this time. "An unidentified person summoned us back here, forcing us to posses new and old things we possessed in the material world." He explains, his choice of words is not in favor of a 5 year old who has English as her second language.

Susie scratches her head, clearly confused, but nods anyway and just leaves them alone. Probably to protect her already destroyed dignity.

Cassidy stomps again in annoyance once Susie leaves, before taking a deep breath and collecting herself.

"...okay. Let's just go." She mumbles. She takes the handle of the door knob, which immediately comes right off, annoying her to the point of just kicking it open.

Evan chuckles quietly. "Never knew you could get that annoyed, Cassidy."

"Just shut the hell up and do what I say for hells sake." Spoiler alert, Evan does not shut up.


Eventually, after some arguing, Cassidy stomps her way out the door. Followed by Evan who keeps chuckling to himself.

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