Chapter - 2

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It's been two weeks since he had last seen the man in the woods. He daily made sure to visit the same place to find the man but he had no luck in doing so. This made him more restless and he constantly zoned out. Dreaming about him, smiling at his own became his daily routines. The affect of the man was so strong as if he was being pulled towards him.

Even at present he was playing with the food in his plate rather than eating it. He was completely zoned out in his thoughts. "So who is this guy you are so mesmerized about" Steve blurted out startling Sirius as this question caught his father's attention too.

"Which are you talking about?" Owen asked his son.

"I don't know only Sirius can answer that question." This words gained a serious glare from Sirius. But it just made Steve grin and wink at his brother.

"Sirius, are you seeing anyone?" Owen asked him more curiosity.

"It's nothing dad Steve's just babbling " he shot another glare at his brother and made his way up to his room.

After few minutes Steve entered Sirius's room and sat beside him "Come on brother what's going on. I understood that you like some guy but I'm really worried seeing you in this way. You are not eating properly, you are distracted most of the time. I can ask Lucas about this but I just want to hear from you" he placed his hand affectionately on Sirius's shoulder and side hugged him. "What ever it may be baby brother I'll help you and I'll be here if you ever want to share with me" he continued and got up from the bed.

He was about to go but Sirius's words stop him "I had seen him in the woods Steve."

This suddenly piped the Steve's enthusiasm as he quickly sat back on the bed.

"Is he handsome " he grin wobbling his eyes at Sirius.

"Uh-uh, Handsome is just an understatement brother. He was a walking god, his structure, his skills everything were amazing and especially his smile " he trailed off to the memories which he cherished.

"So you really like this guy ha " Steve asked for confirmation for which Sirius nodded his head in a blink.

"Wooo, my baby brother is no longer a baby. He's all grown up" Steve teased him bringing a blush out of him.

"But seriously how did you meet him exactly" he further questioned to know more.

"Remember when we went for her hunt? There I saw him practicing his skills" Sirius beamed informing.

"What's his name?" Steve was now way more curious.

"That's the problem Steve I don't know anything about him" Sirius's face dimmed with sadness.

"Wait did you even talk to him?" Steve questioned for which Sirius shaked his head as a no.

"You didn't talk to him, you didn't know his name , his whereabouts, nothing and you already like him this much " Steve was more than surprised at his brother.

"That's the thing Steve, I doesn't know anything about him and yet I feel like I have known him for a long time" Sirius answered confusing Steve.

"But my luck isn't too good brother now I'm not even sure whether I can ever see him " he was in verge of tears.

Steve immediately pulled him in to his embrace and reassured him that he will find him one day and he sure will help him as much as he can.

It's been a month and Sirius' like towards the man was increasing even though he didn't find him at the same time along with his pack few other surrounded packs flu was increasing in a dangerous way.

It started as simple flu and with in days it was killing the werewolves.

Along with Owen many doctors were working on the medicine for this. Up on much trails Owen found the medicine but the herb which is a most important ingredient is much less than needed for everyone. It is very rare to find but he was searching every possible place he can find but to his luck he didn't found it.

"Dad , did you find it ? " Steve asked his dad who came at late night. His father shook his head in disappointment.

"What can't you find dad ?" asked Sirius who came downstairs rubbing his sleepy eyes. Owen showed a small herb to Sirius.

"This plant is known as blood root. This helps in respiratory conditions way faster than any other herb." He explained.

"I think I had seen it somewhere" Sirius started remembering. Suddenly it strike him, this was the herb he was searching when he saw the mystery man. He made sure to mark this in his dairy.

Soon the three of them went towards the woods with torches in their hands. Being a human Sirius found it difficult to pinpoint the exact location. But as soon as both Steve and Owen changed to their wolf form and used their senses , thry found the herb in a massive amount.

Sirius plucked the herbs and rode on Steve to reach their home as soon as they can.

Once Owen was sure that he found everything he the medicine in large amount for not only his pack but for also all the packs in need.

Later on the same day he made a schedule for all his subordinates about who, when and which pack they should go to help with the medicine as only he and his subordinates known the proper way of using it. In this process Steve got Black diamond pack where as Sirius got Lee Cygnus pack to help.

"Wow you got LeeCygnus , I really wished to visit it one day  I heard they have beautiful waterfalls." Steve said enthusiastically.

"If you really wish so we can exchange if you'll like. You go to LeeCygnus and I'll visit the Black diamond pack" Sirius tried offer him but suddenly their father came to them.

"No way, either you go to LeeCygnus or nowhere " Owen half shouted at his younger son. Sirius became sad at his dad's words and went off to his room for packing.

"Dad, you shouldn't have shouted at him, I know you are trying to protect him but this is too far" Steve sided with his brother because he clearly know how hurt Sirius feels when his dad shouts at him.

"I know I'm being harsh on him from few days but it's for his own safety. I don't want the past to happen again. " were the Owen's words for which he just sighed and got back to his work.

By the evening of the same day, everyone had started to leave for their assigned packs. And an hour later Owen started towards the Emerald pack.Steve and Sirius were too almost set for their travel but their Alpha Andrew came towards them for a quick talk.

"Steve I think you should go to LeeCygnus rather than your brother. I just got out of the call from their alpha and they are facing way worse than Black Diamond pack. They really need a specialist " the Alpha suggested.

" But sir my brother is also a specialist and I'm much confident that he can help them " Steve explained his trust on his brother.

"Do you think that I don't know that but the Cygnus pack truly terrified and I literally believe that you must visit them " this time he used his alpha time to make things happening.

"I think Alpha is right Steve you must go on there I'll take care of the black diamond pack" Sirius encouraged his brother.

"But dad won't agree to this" he tried to explain to them.

"Look Steve now it's not about me, you or dad. It's about our people. Even though we have our own rivalry with other packs we fought very hard to make everyone agree to help to ond another. So you are going and that's that" he ended his mini speech.

After few seconds Steve agreed to leave for LeeCygnus and on the other hand Sirius left for Black diamond pack.


Hey buddies I'm back with another chapter hope you all like it and please stay tune to know what fate had decided to Sirius as at the very last moment he had chosen to visit the BlackDiamond pack for which Owen was not at all agreeing to go.

Please do like and comment as I feel them very valuable..... TQ..

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