Chapter: 4

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It's been a week... Both Sirius and Leo were busy in their own works but all their thoughts were about each other. On one side Sirius wants so badly to meet Leo but on the other side Leo was doing everything he can to avoid him. He was afraid that Sirius may try to run away from him again and he couldn't afford it with the current position of his pack members.

One more week has passed and yet Leo didn't meet him. This was constantly bothering him and his work too. When ever he asks about Leo both Winston and Liam lie some or the other thing and avoid further questions. 

On 15th day in the Leo's office, Leo was working at his desk. Both Winston and Liam stood to a corner and were whispering.

"It's been 15 days sir, he is constantly asking about our Alpha. " Gamma whispered to Beta Winston. 

"I know that Liam he's been questioning me too but our Alpha doesn't want to meet him" The beta whispered back. 

"But why ? I mean our alpha was the one who want Dr. Sirius to be here" Liam whispered again. 

"I know but I can't explain the reason. It's - " 

"Will you both stop your loud whispers" they both startled at Leo's shout.

"What the hell were you whispering about" Leo continued closing the file in his hands.

Immediately Winston pushed Liam forward making him the sheep to explain it. 

With one look at Winston he cleared his throat and started talking " Uhm I think - We think that you should have talked to Dr. Sirius master." 

"Not that again Liam it's complicated believe me he will leave everything and run away from here as soon as he sees me. For  our pack it's best if he didn't see me" Leo said with a hint of sadness in his voice. 

"What.. but sir Dr. Sirius had already seen you. " 

"What? " "When?" both Winston and Leo asked individually.

"At the medical center when you ran away into the woods" Liam saw their faces and mumbled "Didn't I mention it before?" 

"So you mean to say that he had already seen our Alpha and still was asking to meet him?" Winston asked for clarification. 

"uh... yeah" 

"Oh my god master you were wrong I don't think he hates you as you said" Winston half shouted enthusiastically as his best friend can finally meet his long lost love. "I think we should immediately go and meet him" he further suggested. 

"You are right Win, we should immediately leave" Leo started rushing towards the door. 

"But master he is not in his room " They both came to halt at Liam's words. "He was actually quite mad at you and left for his pack" 

"When?" Leo shouted.

"An hour ago master, at his speed he may have reached the pack border" with this information Winston became very angry. 

"Do you even know what are you talking now ?" Winston started shouting at Liam. But Leo doesn't want to waste his time so he quickly changed into wolf and started following Sirius's scent.

After on much running he spotted Sirius's car and ran in front of it bringing the car to a sudden halt. Sirius came out angrily but upon seeing the black wolf he became calm. Generally the were wolves are very huge than a regular wolves and more over Leo being an alpha he is much more giant looking than any other werewolf. Even his pack members frighten at his sight but Sirius reached the wolf without any fear and started petting it. The wolf was too enjoying his touch for which it was longing. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2023 ⏰

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