The cabin

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I lay in my bed until I noticed that it was morning. I got ready for the day. I went outside to the balcony, and I saw Sophia driving off. I tried my hardest not to cry. I saw mom coming back in, so I went into my room. I sat down on my desk and did my makeup. I got out of my room, and I saw mom on the phone with someone. I went to Zora's cabin. I knocked on the door. " Come in," Zora said. I opened the door and came in. " Hey," I said. " What's up?" Zora said. " Sophia just left to Hampton." I said, "I know , I saw... But why? Didn't she tell us that she would stay?" Zora said, and I nodded." Yes, but something changed that, " I said as we both sat on the couch." Was it because of us?" Zora asked." No, it was our mom's fault... Sophia is annoyed at her, so she left... but I can't do that, so I am just trying my hardest to avoid her. " I said," How about you move in here with me?" Zora asked." Are you serious?" I asked her, and she nodded." Yes, I want a roomie, and you will be the perfect one," Zora said. " Okay, let's do it," I said. Zora and I went back into the house and into my room. Mom is probably in church right now. We packed my clothes and some stuff that I would like in the room. We went back into the cabin to put the stuff into the room that would be mine. I wrote a note for mom" I am staying in the cabin with Zora." I put it down on the bed, and then we went back to get some more stuff into the cabin.

I put the guitar in the corner last, and we looked around my room in the cabin. " You are the best cousin I could ever ask for," I said. " Oh, I know," Zora said. Then we talked about some random stuff. " So what happened with you two and auntie?" Zora asked." I don't know if I can say, " I said." Please, I promise you that I won't tell this to anyone, " Zora said." I swear," She said. " Fine," I said. " Mom told us last night that we have a half-brother." I said, " What?" Zora asked. I just nodded. " She had to put him in the system. This made me feel so bad because it's so unfair for him that he had to grow up without his biological mother just because she didn't want to keep him. " I said," But I really want to meet him," I said. Then I heard a notification on my phone.

J: I am under the gate right now.

I: I will call the security to let you in and then come to the cabin next to the house.

J: Okay.

I called the security, and they let him in." Jayden is going to be here soon," I said. " Okay," Zora said. There was a knock on the door" Come in" Zora said and Jayden came in" Hey" Jayden said" Hi" I said "This place is cool" He said" Thank you" Zora said" So have you looked at your video at all?" Jayden asked me." Um... No, " I said." Girl, you have gone viral, " Jayden said." What?" I asked. I went to Instagram. I saw that I had 2 million views. " Omg, I can't believe this," I said. " That is crazy." Zora said, " Should we go out and celebrate somehow?" Jayden asked." What do you think?" Zora asked while looking at me." Let's do it, " I said. Us three went out to celebrate. It kind of got my mind of Mom lying and Sophia leaving.

After that, Jayden drove us back to the house. We went into the cabin and hung out there some more in Zora's room. There was a knock on the cabin door. Zora got up to open the door. " Oh, auntie, what are you doing here? "Zora said," Zora, I know that Iris is in here, so can you tell her that I have to talk to her? " I heard mom say," No, she went out with Jayden... She will be back soon, but she's not here right now, " Zora said. I am so grateful for her" Fine, Just tell her that I want to talk to her" Mom said" Yes auntie" Zora said and then the door closed and Zora came back in" Thank you so much for that" I said" You know that you will have to face her some day. You won't be able to avoid her every time, " Zora said." I know, but I don't want to do it right now." I said." Understandable, " Jayden said. After some time, Jayden left. " Okay, I will go talk with mom," I said. " Okay," Zora said.

I went into the house and upstairs. I saw mom on the phone. I just listened and made sure that she didn't see me. " Well, you're gonna need money... Hmm?" Mom said. I am guessing she is talking with my brother. "Yeah. and a permanent place to live. Um, that's why you're calling, right?" Mom said, and there was some silence." Mm-hmm. That's their name's" Mom said, and that made me want to cry." Yeah. I can help, " Mom said." And I want to, " Mom said, and then, after a little bit, I heard her putting her phone down. That's when I came in trying my hardest not to show my emotions. "Zora told me that you wanted to talk to me," I said. " Yes, baby. I wanted to explain everything. " She said," Can you sit down?" Mom said. I just shock my head. " No," I said. "I am guessing that was him that you were on the phone with," I said. " How much did you hear?" Mom asked." Enough, " I said." Why didn't you ever tell us?" I asked" I was always terrified about your father using this to turn you and Sophia against me" Mom said" Well you did a fine job at that yourself" I said" Iris" Mom said. She had tears in her eyes. I tried my hardest to keep my wall up. "What?" I asked." I did it because I love both you and Sophia, " Mom said." But you don't love him? What kind of mother does that make you? For your son to show up wanting to be in your life and you turning him away." I asked. I knew that was too much, but I didn't care about that right now." Like I wrote. I will be staying with Zora in the cabin for a while... at least until you will be able to tell everyone about my brother, " I said, and I left back to the cabin.

"So how was it?" Zora asked. I just shock my head. She hugged me. I hugged her back. I felt a tear going down my cheek. Once we pulled away, I whipped it away." I will go to bed. I am tired. " I said Zora nodded." Of course, " She said. I got ready for bed and then I went on my laptop. I saw that my brother had a Facebook. I friended him. I then lay on my bed and thought about everything.

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