Chapter 1

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Ever since Melissa was born she lived in a castle , her family were rich. They dined every night with friends and family. Melissa used to be a girl who could always do her own thing , wonder freely in the castle grounds and the gardens. But now ever since her mother died her step father , the lord kept her locked away in her bedroom as she was a inconvenience to him and guests he had staying.

Mellissa combed her long red hair in the mirror as she looked at herself. 3 years she had been locked away and it's 3 years since her mother past. She often heard footsteps along the corridors or laughter from other guests. She often wondered if they knew she was there , or even wonder why the door was always kept locked. There was only a peephole in door for her horrid step father to check up on, as creepy as that sounds. She didn't have any siblings so it was difficult, she had no one to contact, she was at a  loss.

She fell trapped every day not being able to do the things she wants , he kept her away that long I don't think anybody knows she still exists.
Downstairs in the dining area the Lord had a table full of guests , some very unusual guests , shadow hunters not just humans. The main shadow hunter is Jace Wayland, "So you say you have no children and no other guests staying in such a grand place like this?" Jace asked as he let eyes wonder around the photo frames on the wall and spotted a beautiful young women with red hair. "Why do you ask?" The Lord said

"Well a big place like this it's much to big for you " jace says as he stood up and walked to the painting. He gazed at her beauty and frowned looked it over. "You say you have no children?" He says as his brow furrowed.

The Lord sighs "She died... a long time ago.. I don't like to speak of it " he says

Jace starred intently at the picture "hm.. interesting " he says as everyone  was too busy eating. A thud was heard from the celin , Mellissa had dropped her brush on the wooden floor. Jace looked up at the celin ,"What was that?" He asked

"Oh you know how old this house mr wayland , it's just the floorboards." The lord says already having enough of questions being asked. Jace sat back in his chair and looked down at his food quietly.
That evening Mellisa was sat on her window frame looking out at the night sky , she opened her window , If she wasn't so high up she would've jumped it years ago. She sighed and let a tear slip. She looked up at the sky seeing a shooting star. "P-please someone help me out of this hell hole." She whimpered and held her knees.

Locked up ~ Jamie Campbell BowerWhere stories live. Discover now