Chapter 2

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As the night went on the party came to end and Jace left the house. He stood outside on the steps and looked back the castle. He examined every window , every room until his eyes stopped on a window which was lit up as if someone was in there. He stood and waited for the longest time. Until Mellissa came to the window and shut the drapes. There and then Jace almost fell to his knees in utter shock.

There was someone in the castle not just Lord , he lied to him. His jaw clenched as he held his dagger tight in one hand. "But why?.." he thought to himself. He ran his hand through his dirty blonde fairly long hair. He was thinking back to the dining room seeing the photograph on the wall, it had to be her only he only got a quick look at her. It soon began to rain and he left rather briskly. He was definitely going to be back.

Mellisa was unaware a man had seen her , she would probably kill her if she knew someone actually saw her and could potentially save her life.
The next morning Mellisa was up and dressed in a beautiful dress , her hair was down and she just looked so natural. She went to the door "Please let me out today , just wonder the gardens at least . " she says

A maid was in the hallway cleaning and heard her and unlocked the door she had a set of spare keys. Mellisa was so relieved when the door opened to only see the maid. "Don't tell your step father I let you out , go but don't be long miss " the maid said before Mellisa hurried down the long stair case and out the garden. She came to a stop and breathed as she had run rather fast. She held her chest and looked around. All was heard was the birds and the trees brushing together from the wind. She was finally outside for the first time in a long time.
She could hear her own breathe shake as she looked back at the house. She never wanted to set foot back into the house but she knew she had too soon. Her tears fell as she made her way deeper into the garden as it went on for miles. She was tired and exhausted beyond belief but she was happy to feel the fresh air on her skin.

She was surrounded by flowers and a beautiful and a huge gated door that had almost been imbedded by plants that had outgrown it. She sat on the step near it and just enjoyed the peace and the birds singing. Unaware Jace the shadow Hunter was there but had a map of the whole house , but he had entered through the back entrance of the gardens. Mellisa hummed lightly it was enough for anyone to hear near by.
Jace came to a stop when he heard it , her a women humming. He walked slowly and quietly towards an old gate and looked through and saw the young women he had saw on the photo frame back at the house. His breathe hitched. "Please excuse me miss , but are you lost?" He asked startling her.

Mellisa almost jumped out of her skin as she saw the man through the gate and there eyes met.

Locked up ~ Jamie Campbell BowerWhere stories live. Discover now