Chapter 4

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The next morning the maid had already been with Mellissa's breakfast which was sitting on the table next to her which was hardly touched.

Mellissa sighs as she gazed out the window waiting patiently for Jace. Her heart ached to be out of the hell hole she was living. Suddenly the door unlocked and she moved away from the window quick only to see her step dad in front of her. "You've been out of this room haven't you?!" His voice was loud so it echoed

"No I haven't I've been here like I have for the last 3 years " she spat , he grabbed her by the hair and she shrieked. "Don't get smart with me , after everything I do for you and you disrespect me like this!" He says and was about to slap her but the door bell saved him from doing so. Lord Matthew looked at Mellisa and grabbed her jaw. "Don't think I'm finished Mellisa " he says before letting her go and slammed the door shut.

Mellisa fell to her knees and cried and rubbed the spot on her head where he pulled at. She wiped her eyes and headed straight for the window again and looked down seeing Jace waiting for the lord to open the door. He happened to look up and see her once more , he could see her pain and suffering and it pissed him off. He banged the door once more and a maid opened it.

"Hello Sir what brings you here this morning?" She asked
"Should you be allowed to ask , your just a maid remember?" Jace says as he stepped in anyway.
The maid frowned and walked off , Jace sighed never meaning to be rude but something had to be done.

"Lord Matthew " Jace says as he came into the living room and took it upon himself to sit down.
The lord was sat down and stood up "Jace what brings you here" he spoke

"Your daughter you've hidden of course" is what he wanted to say . "I wanted to ask you something " he says

"Yes and that would be " he says as he poured some whisky into a glass and grabbed it before looking at jace again.

"May I use your bathroom?" He asked

The Lord looked at him stupidly "you came all the way here to use the bathroom?" He asked suspiciously
"Oh no I have other business to talk to you about but first I need the bathroom if you wouldn't mind." He says

The lord came to him and grabbed him by his throat. "What the hell are you up to Wayland!" He scolded. Jace took out one of his knives and slammed it against his throat but not the sharp side.
"I wouldn't touch me if I were you " Jace says as he was then pushed back against the other wall, he groaned .

Suddenly a crash was heard from upstairs Jace and the Lord looked at each other.
Mellisa had smashed the window and stood on the balcony , she was stood on top of the balcony looking , it was a long way down. She whimpered.

Jace stabbed a dagger in the lords leg and made a run for upstairs . The lord yelled in pain but he didn't care.

"Mellisa! I'm coming!" Jace yelled as he made his way up to her room and booted the door open only to see wind blowing the drapes and glass on the floor.

Jace eyes widen as he stepped in.

Locked up ~ Jamie Campbell BowerWhere stories live. Discover now