History hurts to remember

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Once Kai had calmed down, he moved away from Wukong, thinking he could avoid the subject and move away from it, hoping he would forget about it.

"So what did you do on your trip?" He asked, giving a hint to Wukong that he didn't want to talk anymore about the subject. Wukong noticed this and decided to play along, then put on a big smile so Kai knew he got the hint.

"I rampaged through HEAVEN!" he blurted out, head held high and feeling so proud of himself in his achievement. Obviously, Kai was taken back at this, and even though he had done it so many times, he didn't think he would be so proud of it.

"Again?!" He said whilst putting his paw to his face (like you would when someone does something stupid and you told them it was, but they do it anyway).

"You could've gotten caught and punished by the Celestial army and the Jade Emporer. Do you even realise what danger you put yourself in and the danger everyone on the mountain could've been in if they decided to retaliate!?" He yelled at Wukong whilst wearing an expression that was filled with a mix of emotions like worry, fear, anger, annoyance, and sadness.

Wukong knew what he had done, but he honestly tuned out Kai's rants and just listened to his thoughts until kaii snapped him out of it.

"Did you get anything out of this rampage?" He said sarcasticly whilst crossing his arms and looking sternly at Wukong to see if putting them in danger was worth it.

"I got some Immortal Peaches, I even got enough for all of us," he replied proudly whilst grabbing one of said Peaches out of his pocket and started eating it.

"Did you get one for ..(cough).. the Queen?" Kai asked whilst trying not to show his discomfort in his voice and face.

"Of course I did! What sort of partner would I be if I didn't get one for my mate?" Wukong acting as if we're even a question to get one for him. "You know you can call him by his name, same with me." He asked whilst being curious for the answer, although he felt like he already knew what it was.

"I do it out of respect. Also, if I didn't do it for one of you and not for the other, then it would be weird and too familiar, along with not respecting your title..s" Kai said whilst trying to sound OK and not sound too suspicious which actually made Wukong even more concerned, but he just grinned.

"I know that's not the real answer, and you are convincing no one with that act," He said whilst Kai just looked down at the floor holding his sleeve digging his claws into his arm nearly drawing blood so he could try and escape in a way. "But I know it's a touchy subject, so we can leave it at that." Wukong said whilst putting his paw on Kai's shoulder in a way that allowed Kai to escape as he let out a sigh of relief.

Wukong then let go of Kai's shoulder and summoned his cloud so it was next to him, then holding out his paw to Kai, saying, "Want to go home?" Kai was hesitant but then took his paw, and just as he did, Wukong pulled him up onto his cloud and then flew to the summet of the mountain at speeds unimaginable.

Seconds later...

It would've taken about 1 to 2 hours to get from the forest floor to the summet just from following the river, but because of Wukongs cloud, it took only a few seconds. Because of how fast they were going, Kai held onto Wukongs arm tightly so he didn't fall off. Wukong, however, just found it amusing and then slowing down enough when they got close enough to top of the mountain so Kai could let go of his arm. As they got closer to the summet, you could see a large waterfall that started the river, starting at the summet and ending at the sea. It was a large cliff edge that was you guessed it coveted in fresh flowing water. As they got closer to the edge, they stopped right in front of the waterfall. Wukong then put his paw out in front of him, and a large glowing pattern appeared on the waters surface.

The waterfall then split in half and revealed a cave opening. Once the water was out the way, they flew into the cave with the water, then going back to it's normal flow and covering up the entrance once again, hiding it from view.

Once inside, the cloud dropped them off, then disappeared so they could walk the rest of the way. The walk took about 5 minutes, and along the way, there was a bridge that had the ropes covered in vines and some flowers. Along the walk, there were also a few demon monkeys coming back from gathering, swinging through the vines that fell from the ceiling.

"Almost there," Wukong stated as they got closer. At the end of the tunnel was a large spacious area that was well lit up, with grass growing all around it, and in the middle, there was a little hut with a peach tree growing next to it. Once they were in the area, Wukong suddenly stopped, and Kai was obviously confused as to why, so he moved, so he was standing on Wukongs right. After he had moved, he instantly realised why he had stopped, and he then lowered his head, and he started looking at the demon monkeys trying to distract himself.

"Hi Peaches, how've you been?"


(I say I did quite well on this one also. I got lost in thought, so that's not really a bad thing when you're writing a story, is it? Anyway I hope you like it.)

(P.s: The next few chapters might take longer to write as I haven't got a comic page for a guideline, I am still finishing that, so please just be patient with me. Thank you)

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