Painful Memories

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TRIGGER WARNING! ⚠️ (it's only for the first part, though. I will put a note where it ends)

The blood was still dripping around the shattered glass, and as you looked up from the streak of crimson liquid, you could see it came from Kai's paw that was still in the now almost completely destroyed mirror. As Kai pulled his paw away from the remnance of the mirror, he looked at his shattered reflection.

In his reflection, he saw that he was crying, but he didn't feel it nor even know that he was. After realising what he'd done, he went over to his wardrobe and took out a cloth, gauze and bandages, then sat on his bed and started to clean his hand with the cloth and then wrapped un his hand with the gauze and bandages.

After wrapping up his hand, he went  back to the mirror, but this time, he didn't look into it and just crouched down next to the shattered pieces on the floor and started picking them up and trying not to look in their reflection.

Once he had picked them all up, he grabbed the cloth he used to clean his paw and started cleaning up the blood that had spilt on the floor before it dried. When it was all gone, he went to the bathroom and washed the cloth and was careful not to wake up Wukong and Macaque, who were still sleeping on the couch.

The cloth he used to clean up the blood went back into the wardrobe along with the first aid kit, then he hid it behind some clothes so no one could see it with the naked eye, however he knew Wukong would be able to see it almost easily with his golden eyes of truth so he tried not to act suspicious. He then went to his bed, laid down, and  drifted off to sleep, but he knew he wasn't going to get much as he had the same recurring nightmare every single night without fail.


The dream / nightmare was always of how he got the scar on his right eye, how it went down, the pain, who did it, every word that was said. He remembered it all like it had just happened even though it had been over 200 years since then.

After closing his eyes and just waiting for it to come, he fell asleep almost instantly, but he felt like he woke up a few minutes later, but in fact the sun was fully shining and he realised with a large grin on his face that he had the first peaceful night in 200 years.

Obviously quite overjoyed at this, he practically jumped out of bed and went over to his closet and got changed in some new clean clothes. His new clothes were a white T-shirt and some red joggers, then after getting changed he came out of his room and went to the living room to see if the other 2 were still asleep, but neither of them were there. He then went to the kitchen and found them both eating, Wukong was eating a peach whilst Macaque was eating a plum.

They both saw him and surprisingly said, "Good afternoon," Kai was quite confused and then looked at the clock on the wall, and it said it was 2pm, Kai then just looked atbthe clock in shock but the other 2 just laughed at his reaction. Kai knew he hadn't slept in a while and needed the rest, but didst realise he slept that long.

Kai then went up to Wukong and asked why he didn't wake him up, but Wukong just chuckled and said, "We tried, you must've been really tired to sleep for 3 days straight." The utter shock on Kai's face said it all, and he was both happy he actually got a peaceful sleep but was also amazed it lasted that long. Once his shock disappeared, he went to where Wukong and Macaque were and grabbed a peach to eat, and whilst he was eating, her was wondering if the Immortal Peach he ate before he we t to sleep had something to do with it.

Wukong was curious as to why Kai slept for so long because usually he's the last to go to sleep and the first to wake up, and every morning, he's always there so he asked what was different. Kai was unsure how to answer as he never actually told anyone about his nightmare and that he barely slept at all during the night. So he just said, "I haven't been getting enough sleep lately, so maybe the Peach of Immortality you gave me was to do with it?"

Wukong knew that wasn't the only answer but decided not to go any further into it, and he then said to Kai in a cheerful yet curious voice, "How about after food we go out and check how much mastery you have over your powers, then I can determine whether to allow you to go to the Mainland again or keep you here until I say you have mastered your powers enough." Kai sighed and agreed quickly, finishing his food and following Wukong out of the cave and in a large clearing surrounded by trees.

Macaque followed not long after and sat in one of the trees on its branch and just watched from afar. Wukong wanted to see Kai's main abilities that would be useful in the Mainland, and those powers were portals, clones, shape-shifting, and size change. After Wukong told him which powers to show him, Kai stepped, took a deep breathe and then a large poof of yellow and purple smoke appeared, and when the smoke cleared,  Wukong saw ...


(I did it because I can also know how else I am supposed to keep the SUSPENSE, and besides, it's fun)

(See you in the next update. BYEEE!)

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