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After realising who it was, Kai actually began to cry tears of joy, and it seemed they were too as they didn't want to let go, and they held onto him like a lifeline. Time basically stopped as they lay there, just embracing the other and crying at their reunion.

It took a while, but Wukong and Macaque finally pulled away and allowed Kai to sit up, and he got a good look at his surroundings where he saw they were in a dark cave that was covered in vines and small flowers that looked to be from Flower Fruit Mountain, but it looked... older. Kai couldn't explain it, but if he had to guess, he had just been sealed away for that long. However, long that was.

When he had taken in his surroundings and he focused back on his 2 brothers before him, so many questions began to run through his head, but he settled on 3 for now and he could ask the others later.

Kai: "Hey Wukong, Macaque, I know I just got out, but I've been wondering about this even when I was in there. How long was I sealed away for?"

At this, Wukong and Macaque seemed to pale slight, and they both turned away to avoid looking at Kai and speaking the truth. Kai was quite confused as it seemed like any ordinary question you'd ask after being sealed away and reuniting with your brothers after so long. Since he wasn't getting an answer to that question, he tried to ask a different one to see if he would get any answers at all.

Kai: "If you're not gonna tell me that, then fine, but what happened in the time that I was sealed away for? Anything interesting?"

Both of them seemed more comfortable with this question, so they turned back to face Kai but never met his gaze. Then Macaque looked like he wanted to say someone but then stopped at the last minute and didn't, so Wukong took a deep breath and did it himself.

Wukong: "Okay, Kai, to put a long story short, you've missed a lot, and me and Macaque aren't on good terms anymore so our only connection this whole time and even now is you so do not expect us to be best buds like we were before you were sealed."

Hearing this may not have been as detailed as he wanted it to be, but it still gave him some insight, and hearing his brothers are no longer... Well... brothers are so quite saddening, and he can only wonder what led them to this, and he guessed he'd never know since they didn't tell him how long he was gone for. So he asked his final question, which had changed slightly due to the new information.

Kai:"Hey Wukong, Mac, I know this may be a touchy subject, but what happened to you two after I got sealed away? Last i saw, Ne Zha and his army were there with Wukong captured and Mac stuck under a rock. Also, i want details and not just a short story."

Both of them turned away from him as it seemed neither of them wanted to speak about anything, so he tried to pry a bit to at least find out how long he was gone for, and after about 20 minutes of annoying, and straight up asking multiple times Macaque finally gave in and was going to tell him.

Macaque:"Are you sure you're ready to hear this?"

Kai nodded his head as he was going to find out sooner or later. It just depended on who told him and how much he found out before then.

Macaque then took a deep breath before saying:

"500 years,... the battle, your sealing, and all of it...  happened over 500 years ago."

Kai was stunned. He knew he'd probably been gone a while, but not over 500 years. That was so long, and what could have happened in that time that caused Wukong and Mac not to be friends anymore, and they ate even on good terms, so why to everything. His mind was filled with questions, and he could guess he wasn't going to get any out of his brothers, so he looked around for the cave entrance, and after finding it, not far behind his brothers he stood up and made a break for it.

Wukong and Macaque had not been expecting this at all, and they had just reunited with their brother, so there was no chance in Diyuu that they were going to lose him again. So as soon as their bodies caught up with their minds, they stood up and chased after him, with Wukong flying on his nimbus cloud and Macaque using his shadows.

I don't think anyone expected a chase, but here we are, and Kai hasn't stopped once. Seems all that training when he was sealed away did its job. Macaque and Wukong were still fast, though, and using their own ways of travelling, they were beginning to catch up with him.

As fast as they were, they couldn't catch him as the surrounding area outside the cave was all thick forest, so he would take random turns, go through small spaces, and under thorn bushes, just to get away. Kai had also found his magic was weak currently, so he couldn't use it until it regenerated. And who knows how long that could take.

Since Kai had been doing stamina training for .kst of his time when he was sealed away, he was quite fast and able to go quite far on foot. The o ly problem was that when he was sealed, time was basically stopped, so he didn't get hungry, nor did he ever run out of energy. Since he is now back in the mortal realm, he has both plus exhaustion, and so after running for a good hour or so, it begins to catch up with him, and he slows down. He uses the last of his energy, who keeps running with Macaque and Wukong hot on his tail he finds a cave that's entrance is covered in thick ivy, so he makes his way through the ivy and tries not to disturb too much of it so itself not obvious.

He did end up pulling away and messing with quite a lot of the ivy, but it seemed to be enough as Macaque and Wukong went to the area the cave was but didn't find him. However, they didn't leave either and were now just sitting right outside the cave entrance whilst starting a fire as night was beginning to fall, and it was getting cold. Kai couldn't light a fire without eating them right to him, so he just curled up in a ball inside the cave to try to heat himself up in any way possible.

He's not sure when he fell asleep or how long he was asleep as when he woke up he was still in the cave but a fire was lit next to him that ilumated the cave. Also, he noticed he was no longer as cold as he once was, and that wasn't due to the fire as the heat came from each side of him.

Kai was still a bit groggy, but when he had woken up a bit more, he soon realised that he was now warm because Wukong was on his right and Macaque was on his left, both sleeping peacefully and leaning against him. Since he was between them, he tried to wriggle out and away as carefully as he could, but any move he made caused them both to start stirring, so he just accepted his fate and would wait until he woke up. He wasn't going to lie when he was thinking of just making a run for it and not caring whether they woke up or not, but his traitorous heart wouldn't let him as he hadn't seen them in ages and they hid seen him either. So he just relaxed again, and with their warmth around him and the fire in front of him, he drifted off once again.


Hours later, when the fire had long since gone out and the sun was beaming through the cave entrance and the wall of ivy Kai woke up and instantly regretted it when the light shone him in the eyes and he immediately closed them and tried to move away from it which ended up waking Wukong and Macaque up aswell.

Kai wanted to run away but decided not to as the whole day would just repeat again, so this time he would just keep persisting in getting answers from Macaque and Wukong.


(I am going to be ending the chapter there, also I am sorry it took so long as I have been busy with exams, my other books and just life.

The next one might not be for a while, so please be patient. I will try to get one posted every month at most, but that is as much as I can promise.

Thank you.)

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