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The cries of the other prisoners filled my ears. They know what is about to come, death, for that is the only thing that happens in cell block A. I wasn't crying, however, I was still mulling over how I got there. Even as I was let out to the yard, where the block sat, my beheading inevitable,  I thought of how I got here.
I thought of how my family mistreated me, forcing me to be the perfect Lady of the Court, of how my sister ruined my engagement to the crowned Prince, and of how I was sold to the king's nephew by my parents.
As they nailed me down and pushed my chin on the block I thought of the only crime I committed. I was the lady of House Greenwood I was going to die at the hands of the court because of my husband's ambitions, his want to be king, and my own fear of my husband turning me out.
The blade fell I sent out a prayer, let me find my revenge, and my head was separated from my shoulders. My life as Lady Rubella Vandal greenwood had come to an end. All I saw in the afterlife was darkness.

Author's Note:
This is the first story I have ever posted on here. I'm sorry for such a short first part but I'm hoping you all will enjoy the next few chapters as they come out.

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