Chapter One

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I sat up straight in my bed. Upon opening my eyes I was met with the white coffered ceiling of my childhood room. I looked around with both fear and confusion on my face. I had no idea where I was or how I had gotten here. I was just in the yard I just died. I felt the blade contact my throat. Lifting my hand I ran it over my neck, breathing in a sigh of relief when it came back clean. I sat like that for a few moments when a voice played in my head, A second chance I grant to you. The golden rule shall be your guide. Do unto others that was done to you. Be free my child and this time survive.
I was startled when my door was flung open. My governess Lady Melissa was giving out instructions before she was even in the door. "Now Ms Rubella you shall be going into high society as of tonight at your birthday ball. Remember that it starts in the late evening. Your mother and father shall be arriving back in town with Kathleen at noon. So that shall give them plenty of time to prepare themselves. However with you we must be swift for the painter here shall be here within the hour." I couldn't help but roll my eyes. I fling the covers off of me and stood. As I stretched I took in my surroundings from my armor to my desk everything was the same, and yet it felt so different. “You must also remember that tonight is very crucial to the rest of your life in high court. You must not make any mistakes.”
I made my way over to the vanity to brush my hair. I picked up the brush and to the surprise of Lady Melissa started brushing. This was not a common practice in high society at this point in time, but I need not care about that. "Lady Melissa 'tis my 16th birthday and as I am of age now, I wish to choose my personal maid. Could you send in Miss Lena please? The brunette from the kitchen? From today on she shall be my maid and as such, she shall help me ready myself for the day." I finally look at her through the mirror and with a stone cold expression I say. "And unless the Lord and Lady of the house wish you to stay for little Linda I suggest you start packing. I no longer have a need for you."
The flabbergasted look on her face gave me a need to suppress my laughter. "Miss Rubella I-" she started.
"Lady" I cut her off coldy.
She gave me a confused expression "What?"
"As of today I am now a lady. As the second eldest daughter of thee Marques Vandel I shall be treated with the same respect given to that of my eldest sister. Now since there is nothing else for us to discuss you are dismissed." I say with irritation in my voice. I could tell she wanted to argue about static and scold me for my ill behavior. Yet she thought better of it, curtsied, and left. I waited for the door to fully close before I relaxed.
I don't know why or how, but somehow I was given a second chance. A chance that I wasn't about to waste. Right there and then, In my childhood bedroom with my stuffed animals as my witness I made a silent promise to myself. This time I was going to have the life I dreamed of. A life full of love, warmth, and happiness. A life nothing like the cold, miserable, lonely death I had in my previous life. I vowed that I would eliminate anyone who tried to stand in my way. I was not going to make the same ignorant mistakes of my youth. I had planned to use the knowledge I had of the future to safeguard myself. This time I was going to really live.
When Lena, my newly appointed maid came in. I noticed her ridgeness, I remember she was always shy. So, I gave her a warm smile not only to steady her nerves but to hide my own as well. "You rang for me milady?"
"Yes!" I say turning around, a genuine grin on my face "I wanted to tell you in person, before my mother and father get home. You, my dear friend shall be my personal maid from this day forward" As I say this her tanned face glows and her jade eyes light up. A childish grin fills her sweet babydoll face and I can tell that all of her anxiety she had moments ago melted away with my statement.
Her voice was higher now and she jumped excitedly as she said "Oh milady thank you! I will do everything I can to help you always"
This time my smile matched her in excitement. At the time I chose her I knew that she was going to be an amazing ally. I was sure she would be loyal to me. I also knew this to be true because, in my past, I remember overhearing her complain to the other maids about the way I was treated by my mother and sisters. The absolute rage and resentment matched my own. Hearing her speak it was the only time I had ever felt that someone, outside of my father, was on my side. With this fact alone is why I knew I wanted her as my maid.
"Milady?" She asked with concern in her voice. "Is everything alright?" I looked up at her to see worry spread across her face.
I shook off the memory and regained my smile before answering her. "Yes Lena, perfectly fine I must have just got lost in thought" I say looking down at the small clock on my vanity. It was already 6 in the morning "My god’s Lena look at the time. I must start getting around for the day. The painter will be here shortly. If you could please I would like the white and gold gown, the one with the pearls? I've got an idea for the dress that will make me look elegant. Like a lady." We shared a mischievous grin and got to work.
After about an hour's work, my long red hair was braided in a crown around my head with a few small curls framing my face. My makeup was done to perfection, making my pale skin look like glass and my cheekbones look higher than normal. My eyes looked dark thanks to Lena’s masterful work. In the end I looked older than my 16 years, more mature. I knew mother would try to disapprove of this manner of appearance. However I had a strategy to combat this. Through my eldest sister, Cathleen.
"Milady" lena started "We must get you dressed Milady. The artist shall be here within the hour."
"Of course, Lena. We mustn't keep him waiting"
After about 20 minutes of slips, cages, and an absolutely horrid corset. I was dressed. My gown was snow white and gold. It puffed out around me with a train that cascaded across the floor. The top of the dress was white across the sleeves and shoulders. The center front panel was golden with two lines of pearls down the center, as opposed to the frilly bows that are currently in style. The under skirt was the same golden fabric as my bodice. The over skirt had gold peaking out in the front of the dress that was quite popular in today's culture. The over skirt also had pearls scattered all over it. We pulled up my stockings and slipped on my heeled shoes before I was finally able to look in the mirror.
The dress was exactly the same as it was in the past, but it looked far more elegant this time with my make up in hair done just so. I couldn't help but remember when I first had worn it. My hair was done in a simple bun at the back of my head and my make up done simply to my mother's taste. I also remember that I never got my official portrait for the great room, but instead settled for a family portrait where I drifted into the background.
I adorned myself with a pearl necklace and earrings to match as the thought fell behind me. With my dress being quite simple I made sure to adjust my hair, make up, and accessories so that it would not only look simply elegant but also make my physical appearance stand out.
"Oh milady, you look absolutely breathtaking!" Lena squealed, doing a happy little jig "I knew you were the most beautiful of the Vandal girls. The other staff thought I should be sent to an institution, but I just knew it!" I loved her enthusiasm in this moment, it gave me the exact boost of confidence I needed to enact that next part of my plan.
I looked at her through the glass plastering a smile on my face "Thank you Lena, for all your hard work." I meet her eyes before finishing "and for your friendship" Lena smiled and so did I.
We both grew up at the Vadel Manor. Her mother was the head maid working side by side with mother to keep the household running smoothly. So while my sisters mingled with all of the future ladies of court I played with Lena. Through the years she was my only true friend, and that fact was still the same today. She was there every time I got sick, and when her mother died it was my shoulder she cried on at night before going to sleep. I’m so happy with choosing her as the one person I’m going to have around me all the time.
Shortly after we had me dressed the well renowned artist, Francois Piérre, was at the door ready to paint my portrait. He was a short stout man with a nose that sort of resembled a pig. His black hair was slicked back and he was dressed like he was in a class well above his own. He had small beady brown eyes and a horrid mustache that did nothing to hide his corked teeth. I could not take my eyes off of the piece of something green stuck between his front teeth. "Ah where is the lovely family with whom I will be painting on this special occasion." He said, pulling my eyes back up to meet his.
"I believe you are mistaken sir" I say irritation evident in my voice "you shall be doing a painting of my likeness. Mother and father are not here at the moment." I swallow and clench my jaw in order to not insult him.
"I thought I was doing a painting for the lady of the house?" I could make out the arrogance in his thick french accent.
"Yes sir you shall be doing a painting for my mother, a painting of myself." I say letting the annoyance seep into my voice. I was not about to let the past repeat itself. "Sir, if it's my likeness you aren't interested in painting then you can leave with no payment."
"Madam, you must be joking." He scoffed. Fear spreading across his face. “There is no better artist in the land to paint for the legendary house of-”
"Oh but I am sir." I say cutting him off "So either get to work or I shall have you shown out.” I say reaching for the bell pull.
With no more room left to argue he got to work. He was creating a painting that had never existed before. A painting that shows that I am now an official lady of the Vadel bloodline. I have taken my first step in changing my past. And it feels exhilarating.

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