A Fallen In Love (Part3)

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Calmed by the soothing waves of the ocean, I just stared blankly at the horizon seeing nothing but her. Oh, damn. I thought I went here to clear out to get rid of her off my mind for a bit. Why can't I let her slip off my mind even just for a while? What was wrong with me? I've never been like this towards someone. I don't understand why she, and only she, had this kind of effect on me. Why does it always have bothered me if she was doing well or if she was fine? And why was I here at the edge of a cliff above the blue vast ocean below the almighty sun trying to stop thinking about her even just this instance?

This was just too insane! This clearing-my-mind thing in this supposed-to-be-calming-my-nerves place just wouldn't help. Maybe if I just went on with finding things out about her would solve this newfound feelings or turmoil inside me. Yeah, that was right.

As I flew back to the city, when I reached the civilization, I decided that I would just walk back to the café. When I saw a park nearby, I decided to go there for a while. At the center of the park, I noticed that a lot of crowd was gathered around the fountain without saying a word. All were intently concentrating on what was in front of them. Curious to what was happening, I head straight there to see for myself.

At first, I don't have any idea what was unfolding before me. But as I listened and watched intently to the guy who was kneeling in front of the girl and has a small box in his hands offered to her, and then it clicked to me- a proposal, a marriage proposal.

"Mary, you know ever since we were a child I have always loved you and will always love you even in eternity. I can't even imagine a single day without you in my life. You've always been a part of my life and my dreams. I will always be here for you in good time and in bad times. I'll be here for you during you PMS days and even on your menopausal days. If old age gets into you and you can't even remember what my name is, I'll always be here reminding you of me and us. I want to be the man who your children will call father. And I want you to be the one I will be with if they will have their own lives already. I want to grow old with you. I love you Mary, with all my heart and soul. I can't even put into words how much love I feel for you. I love you. Will you marry me, Mary?" the guy proposed as he still knelt and offered the box in front of Mary. Mary was still at loss of words and was still stunned in her place.

Once she was able to gain her composure, few tears started to roll down her cheeks. "Oh Jack. You know that I have always loved you and will always love you too. And I don't think of any man be the father of my children. It is only you; I will always want to be with all my life and until eternity. And yes. Yes, I will marry you. I love you too Jack with all my life." Mary answered and with that, Jack pulled out the thing inside the box - I supposed that was a ring - and slid it onto Mary's finger. He then stood up and jumped like a lunatic.

"I LOVE YOU MARY! DO YOU ALL HEAR THAT? I LOVE HER AND WILL ALWAYS DO. AND SHE'S GOING TO MARY ME! SHE IS GOING TO MARRY ME! I LOVE YOU MARY!" Jack faced the crowd, shouted and hugged her. Mary's tear-streaked face looked embarrassed but you could clearly see the joy and love twinkling in her eyes. It was only now I noticed there were a group of musicians near the fountain playing their instruments- violin, cello, organ, harp, guitar. I wasn't really that aware of musical instruments. There was a singer too.

People were clapping and cheering for the newly engaged couple giving them their congratulations. Those who were alone were staring at them in awe as if wishing to find their right ones already. And those who were with their partners were linking their arms, their hands intertwined, and seemed like reminiscing their romantic moments together.

Was it this happy to love someone?

Love. Love? Do I know what love really was? Sure I do care for Wallace and loved him as my father but, what would it feel like to love someone who wasn't blood-related to you- though Wallace and me have no blood relation- and was the one who your world only revolved at. The one you would do anything just for her, even climb the highest mountain if she said so.

A Fallen In Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें