A Fallen In Love (Part 4)

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Rotten smell of souls was enveloping this not so familiar place at all, and it disgusted me and I tried my best to strengthen my stamina to endure all this just to get all the answers I needed. Why did I not smell this sickly odor when I was thrown here years ago? Everything that was in here looked more... horrific? Evil? Was it even possible? I thought what I had seen was already all it took but I guess I was wrong. Though, I have witnessed the rapid increase in number of crimes and malevolent deeds there in the middleworld. Maybe that was the reason why this hell looked more sinful.

Witnessing those nauseating and unappetizing scenes while I was on my way to him, all that my body wanted was to leave and just go back already but I needed this- so much for myself. Passing through all those, after what seemed like hours but in reality were just a few minutes, I had reached my destination. My brows creased in small surprise and confusion at what I saw.

Two demons holding a huge fork spears were standing in front of the huge red metal door unmoving. They were just staring on an invisible object straight ahead of them, their free hand rested on their backs. Demon guards weren't present too when I had been here. What was going on? Maybe things had just changed after many years. Was Zephyro's life was in danger now the he has to have two demon guards? No, that was impossible. What could possibly happen to the Father of All Evil?

When I approached, they just used their fork spears to block my way without moving their sight from the invisible object. "Get out of the way. I just need to talk to Zephyro." No response from the two. Were they mute or deaf? Demons weren't really the nice type of creatures. That was why I don't want to stay here. They were just getting into my skin.

"I said move. Are you deaf or something? I need to talk to him. Now." My growing irritation was now clearly visible. "Master Zephyro is now talking to someone and ordered no interruptions by any means." The demon guard on my left finally said without even a side-glance on me. "And who is he talking to?" The two guards looked at each other unsure of something for a few seconds before going back to their rigid pose.

A few more seconds had passed and there were no signs from the two demons of giving in to my request, well more of demand- not even a sigh or a movement from them. Were they statues now? They have to be kidding me! Argh! This was really getting so annoying! I just wanted to talk to him for Pete's sake.

Letting my annoyance fade a little, I decided to just back away- but I'm not giving up. Walking away from them, I stopped when I was out from their sights. Looking again at the huge door, I let my gaze travelled up- up until it was blocked by the dark mists.

Why did I not think of that right away? There has to be a way up there.

Making sure that those two demon guards wouldn't notice me, I immediately flew up as soundlessly as possible. After reaching more than a hundred feet, I slowly went nearer and nearer to the metallic red door's edge. Thick mists of darkness still fogged my sight but I could manage. Thank god, I have a very good eyesight.

Going higher and higher, stopping the urge to slam at the metal door was so hard- I thought that if I slammed the door, the demon guards would know and would have stopped me. It has been like five minutes but still no end and space in sight. Every minute was a torture. The want to talk and seek for his help was aching me to the core.

After a few more minutes- it felt like hours- I now saw the edge to this door. A hundred more feet and the end was already at my reach. I thought this door has no end at all!

Reaching my full speed, I now came to a halt as I get to reach the end. I was now panting my lungs out and was breathing heavily, with my hands on my bended knees for support my eyes half-closed half-opened, after that very tiring flight. It took me a minute or two before gaining half my equilibrium.

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