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Tom and I run out of the chiefs office laughing, well he was waddling, I was running.

"Oh i'm so not gonna get my job back but that was so worth it" I say to Tom, still laughing

"Will you come with me to clean out my locker?" I ask Tom. "Sure, lead the way." I quickly take him to the resident locker room. If i'm being honest i'm not too upset about losing my job, there are many hospitals in Tokyo. My resume is impeccable, i'll get hired anywhere I want.


I start to clean out my locker stuffing my backpack with my clothes, hair products, etc. I practically lived here so a whole bunch of stuff really as i'm cleaning Tom sees something that catches his attention.

"Whats this?" Tom asks signaling to a tampon.

I giggle a bit, "That's a tampon, Tom."

"How do you use it?" He looks so curious.

I tell him to sit down on the bench, I take the tampon out the package and show him the proper way to use it I make an O shape with my index finger and thumb and use it to demonstrate.

Tom looks at me wide eyed. "AND YOU KEEP THAT IN THERE!?" I chuckle a little, "Yes tom you can keep it in for up to 8 hours. If you keep it in for longer you could get toxic shock syndrome and die."


Poor guy, so clueless. He keeps on examining it, and then puts it against his crotch, I look at him confused.

"This is nowhere near as big as my dick."

"Eh, it's nearly the same size." I want to get him a little mad, it's funny when he's mad.

"Would you like to compare?" I look up at him and say "Sure, I'm a visual learner." he starts to unbuckle his jeans before..

"AHEM." Tyler walks in, I shoot a look at Tyler, shit this isn't good if he says something it's gonna cause a lot of issues

"Really Aurora? Your sleeping with a patient? You gave up ur job to be a whore? You know it you wanted some dick you could've came to me.

Tom looks at me, "you slept with Tyler!?"

"I.. no. Well yes but.."

Tom pushes Tyler out the door and slams it shut.

"What the fuck. What happened to i'm yours and you're mine?" Tom says.

"Oh come on I haven't slept with him since me and you got together." I scoff. "Okay so when's the last time you slept with him then?"

I'd say a couple days after you showed up, it was just to relieve some built up stress nothing more.

"Wow. So you just sleep with any guy you want anytime ur stressed? Fuckin whore." He says the last part in a lower voice scoffing.

"What the fuck did you just call me?" I'm fuming. I don't even realize how loud my voice is.

"YOU DONT GET TO FUCKING YELL AT ME BITCH." Before I could respond a feel his hand come swinging at my face, the stinging sensation burns through my skin, I touch my cheek his fucking ring made me bleed. What the hell is wrong with this guy? Is he deemed mentally insane yet? One minute he's normal and the next he's fucking backhanding me.

I lick my teeth and nod my head. I take my bag and leave without saying another word, I'm never talking to his bitch ass again.

I make my way into my car and start slamming the steering wheel with both of my hands before tears start to fall down my face. How could he do this to me? Maybe I could forgive him for the whore part or the part where he called me a bitch. But if he hit me now? He'll do it again in the future, maybe even worse.

I start to break down in my car tears flooding down my face, I lost my job over him! I lost all my friends everything.

I quickly wipe my tears until I realize I am in no state to drive. If I drive something even worse could happen. I reach into the glove box and pull out four mini bottles of fireball and chug all of them, I text Nora to come outside to my car and tell someone to cover her shift.


Nora quickly makes her way into the passenger seat, she sees my red cheek with the imprint of Toms hands, she also sees the four bottles of fireball all empty. She leans over the seat to hug me and I start crying in her arms "Shh shh, it's okay Ari it's okay." I cry in her arms for a couple more minutes before I let go. "Can you drive me home?" She nods and we swap seats, the whole way home I have my face in between my knees crying. How could I be so stupid.

After about 10 minutes we make it to my house, Nora hops out the car and comes to open my car door. She leans her hand out for me to take and leads me into my apartment. She draws me a bath and helps me get undressed, she washes my hair twice then puts in some conditioner and clips it with a claw clip, she takes the loofa and starts to scrub my back. Meanwhile i'm still crying, I feel like an idiot. Nora brings my clothes into the bathroom and wraps me in a towel and starts to change me, brings me back to bed and tucks me in. She crawls in next to me.

"Goodnight my friend, sweet dreams." she says giving me a kiss on the forehead and cradling me while I cry into her arms, I quickly start to fall asleep, im exhausted.

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