Rules for joining

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To join the "Dwapar Chronicles" roleplay community on Wattpad, follow these steps below 👇🏻

•Follow admins and the community account.

•Try to remain active as much as you can.

•Give a shoutout to the book and add it to your library.

•Fictional Characters are allowed but their background and nature has to be mentioned.

•Respect the community's established lore and character dynamics.

•Interact with other roleplayers actively

•Avoid using explicit content or violating community guidelines.

Be patient and understanding with other members.

Engage in the roleplay consistently to maintain a vibrant story environment.

•If members have any ideas to execute, they can do it with admins permission.

•Drama, games, etc are allowed along with some fun competition!

If any issues arise, communicate openly with admin ( that_indiangirl19 and Satrajiti012

Remember that roleplay communities thrive on creativity, collaboration, and mutual respect.

Immerse yourself in the "Dwapar Chronicles" world and have fun crafting stories with fellow enthusiasts!

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