Need A Job?

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It was Saturday. Izuku had skipped an entire week of school. Screw attendance. Not like they care if he was present.

If they did, they would have tried calling his home phone. Since his mom's phone was destroyed in the attack. His mom's cell phone wouldn't have service.

Anyway, Izuku was in his best outfit. A white button up, with a green vest. Black slacks, and his signature red shoes. He also had gloves on.

He arrived at the news outlet. His #14 notebook in hand. The greenette walked into the building and walked up to the front desk. The lady at the front desk looked up-

"Jr. Reporter?" Izuku nodded. "Wait in room 203. The other interviewees are already there." Izuku gave the woman a smile, before thanking her and walking to room 203.

Izuku took a deep breath, as his hand hovered over the door knob. If there were other people applying, would he even have a shot? Quirkless people were always looked down upon, even if objectively speaking they were more qualified...

"Dude, are you gonna open the door. Or stand there blocking the entrance?" Izuku was pulled from his thoughts, as he turned to see a brown haired boy with black eyes standing next to him.

"Hun- oh s-sorry!" Izuku opened the door and walked in. The brown haired boy followed behind him.

"It's fine, nervous? Cause I sure am."

"Y-yeah..." Izuku and the brown haired boy sat down on two of the provided chairs in the room, which had quite a few other teens and kids in it.

"The name's Tsuburaba Kosei. My quirk is 'Solid Air'. I can breathe out air from my lungs and solidify it."

"Woah! That's so cool! I'm Izuku Midoriya! Justimagineallyoucoulddowiththatkindofquirk! Youcouldmakestairsoraplatformforsomeoneelse'ssafey! Butifyoucouldcontrolthetextureorshapeoftheairthenitisverypossibleyoucouldmakeatrapforyourenemiesoras alandingpadforthoseinriskoffallingfromhighplaces."

"Hey! C-could you maybe slow down a bit?"

"Oh! S-sorry! I really like analyzing quirks, Because I don't have-"

"It's fine, I've always envied people with iq or analysis based quirks. People like you tend to always know everything."

"IQ based quirk?" Izuku gave a curious expression.

That could work... Maybe if he pretended to have an iq quirk he would have a better chance. But... he was registered as quirkless. He could say it was a misdiagnosis. Yeah, his analysis is enough to pretend he has an analysis based ability.

"Y-yeah. I have an analysis quirk. Though it- uh- only works on quirks. For the longest time, I thought I was quirkless, because I didn't show signs of a quirk, just really good analysis."

"Cool. Then maybe this place is perfect for you. I've heard they love getting inside details on heroes and villains, as well as their quirks."

"Y-Yeah. I was planning on changing my records this week, after I realized that I- uh- h-have a quirk."

"Yeah, you should probably do that."

"Midoriya Izuku?"

"H-here!" Izuku stood up. "Bye Kosei-san!"

"See ya, Midoriya!"

Izuku walked into the office of the head reporter. She was a woman with blue skin and purple hair. Her eyes were totally black with green pupils.

"Hello, darling! I'm the head reporter, Chitose Kizuki," The woman smiled. "I hope you don't mind, but I happened to overhear your conversation a few minutes ago. So, you were misdiagnosed as quirkless?"

"Y-yes ma'am. Sorry, I haven't updated my records yet. It's been a hard week."

"Ahh yes, well I'm sure you can do that after this interview."

"Y-yes I w-will! Sorry, I'm just a b-bit nervous."

"It's fine! Now can I see some of that amazing analysis?"

"Oh- uh- of c-course!" Izuku handed her his notebook. "I have quite a few of these. If I have a few minutes of video, I make a good amount of analysis to prove I'm actually the one who wrote it."

"I would love to see you in action. Here-" The blue skinned woman opened her laptop and pulled up a video feed. It was a video of Hawks fighting a villain with a speed quirk. "Tell me what all you see in the video."

Izuku nodded, as he watched the whole video. He took out a pen and a few sheets of paper- where did he get them? Who the hell knows- and started writing down his analysis.

In a few short minutes, the greenette had three full sheets of analysis, seemingly only limited by the amount of paper he had. The head reporter had a smile, that looked a bit crazed-

"My my! You iq based quirk-users are indeed amazing!"

"Th-thank you!" Izuku smiled, as he thanked the woman.

"That is all, you are dismissed," Izuku bowed, before he left. He walked over to Kosei.

"Hey, wanna exchange phone numbers? Maybe keep in t-touch?"

"Sure, Midoriya-san!" After that Izuku left. He headed to the quirk registry building, at city hall. He met a lady at the front desk.

After an hour or so, Izuku left the building with his file saying he has an iq based quirk. His life was about to get so much better.

That Monday, Izuku seemed very happy to be at school. It seemed to creep some of his classmates out. At homeroom, Izuku walked up to his teacher and smiled-

"Sr. _____?" Izuku said, rocking back and forth on his heels.

"What do you want, Midoriya?" The man said, in a condescending tone.

"Turns out, I'm not quirkless."

"WHAT!?" That wasn't only the voice of his teacher, but most of his class too.

"Turns out my x-rays were mixed up with another child when I was a kid. And since my quirk was a mental quirk, it never really showed up until someone pointed out my analysis skills."

"Well, I'm so sorry you were misdiagnosed with such a disease, you are so strong Midoriya! May I see your form?"

"Yup, I have a copy right here," Izuku handed the copy over to his teacher. Izuku's 'quirk' was called 'Quirk Analysis'. The form said-

'Quirk Analysis: The ability to analyze any quirk and find all possible uses, strengths, and weaknesses, if seen in action or told the basic info of the quirk.'

"Woah. I can't wait to see what you can do with this quirk, Midoriya!"

"Thank you, sir," Izuku went to sit down at his desk. He noticed Katsuki was tense. Izuku was nervous, but simply avoided eye contact.

Izuku nearly jumped out of his skin, as he passed by Katsuki's desk. Because the blonde whispered-

"You. Me. Outside. After class."

The Media is Wild [REPORTER IZUKU AU]Where stories live. Discover now