Need An Ally?

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Izuku smiled, as he typed up his next story. It was about how the HPSC have refused to have heroes punished for letting pro heroes get away with illegal acts.

'Why has the HPSC refused to punish heroes who act like villains? Aren't they supposed to protect us?! Here's a few examples.
Pro Hero Endeavor, a.k.a. Todoroki Enji, in the past two months alone has cost the county 10,000,000 yen in collateral damage. Not to mention the death count of over 1,500 civilians.'

There was more he wrote down, but that was one of the many paragraphs. Izuku admits he may be pushing his luck a little but here.

The HPSC has been known to take out people they deem a threat to their power. But Izuku doesn't care what matters to him is that his mother is safe, if she dies, he has nothing left.

Izuku smiled, as he downloaded his report onto a flashdrive. He walked through the streets of Mustafar. The irony that no one around him knew that he had the crimes of their trusted commission in his pocket.

It's funny, as Izuku walks to his job, using his ear buds to listen to his favorite song. He suddenly got the feeling he was being watched. Izuku turned his head in the direction of the feeling.

He saw a man in a purple suit in an alleyway. He seemed to be following Izuku. That means whoever he was somehow figured out HE was 'Green Screen'. Which meant his identity wasn't as safe as Izuku thought it was.

The man in the suit was good at hiding. But Izuku has been hidden from bullies and trained to notice little details for years. He was worried, but decided to test this man.

If he was a policeman or a hero- which Izuku highly doubted considering his behavior and his apparent fear of being seen. Even Eraserhead doesn't go that far to hide from the media and other witnesses.

So this guy was probably a reporter from a rival news outlet, a spy from the HPSC who somehow found out about the flashdrive in his pocket and what was on it, or a villain.

Izuku walked around the city, the man stayed on his tail the whole time. Izuku didn't know for sure who this guy was, but the greenette wanted answers.

Izuku decided to go to an area he wouldn't be recognized. A coffee shop in district 11. A place he's only familiar with in the forms of maps.

Plus, it's a neutral district, so hopefully, whatever side his stalker is on, no one would recognize him either. Izuku walked to the shop and ordered a coffee.

Izuku sat down at a booth. It was mid-day, so it was fairly busy and there was enough cover noise to drown out their conversation from anyone who might try and listen.

It only took a few minutes for Izuku's stalker to walk into the shop and sit across from him. Izuku smirked, putting on the fasad of his 'Green Screen' persona.

"So, were you planning on talking to me, or were you gonna watch me forever?" The man's eyes widened for a quick moment, before he schooled his expression.

"So you knew I was following you?"

"Of course I did."

"I had hoped for the greatest jr. news reporter, would be able to notice me. But I wasn't sure, until you walked into a shop, I knew you didn't visit too often."

"Figured as much, but don't bother trying to butter me up. It won't work," Izuku said, simply. "What do you want anyway?"

"I have a deal for you," Izuku quirked an eyebrow but didn't say anything. The green haired boy just gestured for the man to continue. "You clearly don't care what the consequences are. You're willing to publish anything even if it gets a hero of all people killed."

"I have my reasons..." Izuku shrugged. "But I prefer to think of myself as neutral if you want me to buy weapons or info from you. Forget it. The reason my posts are neutral are for... personal reasons. Not for villains or for revenge of some kind."

"What if I pay you to post certain information?"

"Why would you do that for such little in return? I'm in it to make money not to spend money."

"People are paying me to get this information out, so I'll pay you half of that, since you're already getting paid for any information or story you post."

"I prefer to work alone."

"Come on," The gray haired man smiled. "Everyone needs an ally!"

"No. I don't," Izuku sighed. "I'm not gaining information from a villain. I have plenty of ways to get information anyway."

"Let's be real, kid," The man stated. "You will eventually run out of ways to get information. I am giving you a way that will get you infinite stories and infinite money. All you have to do is post the info I give you. What do you have to lose?"

"Well for one," Izuku counted on his fingers as he talked. "My freedom for associating with a villain or multiple villains. My life. My loved ones. My secret identity."

"I promise you will be just as anonymous as you are now. You will work as a secret informant. No one will even know your real name, and if you want, no one will know you are Green Screen either."

"Hmm," Izuku hummed as he mulled over the idea. This broker was making valid points, even if he was trying to hype his deal up a little bit too much.

Izuku WOULD run out of ways to get information without revealing himself eventually. He has a perfect opportunity to never let that happen right now.

But why should he trust a man who has followed him like a creep for a few days now. There was no reason to trust this man.

There had to be more to the story. He had to be hiding something. Like his name for one.

"How can I trust you, when I don't even know who you are?"

"Giran," The man reached out his hand for a handshake. "And I'm an info broker."

The Media is Wild [REPORTER IZUKU AU]Where stories live. Discover now