Need A Story?

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Izuku was happy to have finally scored a job. He was given his first assignment the next day. He was to find a story that would gain attraction and sent it to the news station for review in two weeks.

Izuku had been watching and filming hero fights all week, but every hero fight he saw wasn't worth much. He had to find something that people would WANT to read.

Izuku noticed something out of the corner of his eye. It was the pro hero Hawks. Izuku had a feeling he should follow him. So, the green haired boy did.

He was shocked to see Hawks talking with a black haired man. Izuku recognized the man. It was Shouta Aizawa, a.k.a. Eraserhead.

Izuku filmed their conversation, making sure to be quiet and stay in the shadows. If they did see him, he would use the excuse he was a fan looking for Hawks' autograph.

Izuku was shocked to overhear their conversation-

"So? Find anything about the trigger drug, we need to stop this drug ring soon."

"No, unfortunately every thug I caught has no intell. Just low level thugs hired for money and didn't ask questions."

"Well, keep looking. The commission wants this shut down as soon as possible."

"I'll keep you updated," With that, the two pro heroes went their separate ways. Izuku smiled, now THIS is a story worth telling.

Izuku typed up his report. He put both the video file and the report onto a flashdrive. He took the train and arrived at the news station, that he now worked for.

Izuku smiled, as he showed his Jr. Reporter ID and the guard let him in. Izuku walked to the editing office and knocked-

"Come in!" Said a voice from the other side of the door.

Izuku opened the door to see a brown haired woman inside the room. She was the only one working today, due to the official staff being off.

"Welcome to the Jr. Reporter editing office. I hope you got a story, because everything anyone's turned in is useless."

"I got a story, I think you'll like. Here's the file-" The greenette handed over the flashdrive to the Jr. Editor.

"Hmm," The girl watched the video after reading the report. The girl's eyes sparkled- "PERFECT! Now THIS is the kind of story we need!"

"Glad I got something worthwhile, see you next week."

"Wait! What's your name and codename!"

"Well, my name is Izuku Midoriya, but why would I have a codename?"

"So you don't get targeted by haters. We all have codenames, my real name is Togeike Chikuchi and my codename is blitz."

"Oh... well I guess my codename would be..." Izuku thought for a moment. "Green Screen."

"That's a good codename! See you next week, Midoriya."

"Bye!" Izuku left. When he arrived home, it was late. He opened his mailbox to grab the mail. Izuku walked inside his door and locked it behind him

Izuku nearly dropped all his stuff, as he saw a letter from the news outlet. Once Izuku put away his backpack, notebooks, hoodie, and all the other mail, he sat down at the kitchen table.

Izuku took a deep breathe. This letter means one of two things. He was either fired, most likely they figured out he lied about his quirk, or it was his first paycheck. Izuku took open the letter and read it-

'Hello, Midoriya!
Thank you for joining our staff. We found your first story to be perfect for our staff. Here's your first pay check!
- Chitose Kizuki'

Izuku's eyes had stars. He saw the check written with the signature of the head reporter with the company name on it. This is perfect. He just had to save up his money and his mom will be saved.

The next morning, Izuku was watching the news before heading to school. He saw his video of Hawks and Aizawa on the news.

"This report was given by a reporter who goes by the alias, Green Screen. The video reveals the pro hero Hawks talking with an unknown man about a drug called trigger. What do you think about this Mr. Asagi?"

"I find it very concerning that the heroes would hide such dangerous information from us. As mentioned in Green Screen's report what if some villain were to trick civilians into taking the drug, without their consent. Innocent people could be charged with illegal drug use."

Izuku smirked. The heroes never saved him. Now he's proven that the heroes won't save those people. Izuku shook his head a loss the smirk-

"What am I thinking!? I don't like hurting people!? Why... why did I almost laugh at that thought..." Izuku ignored the thought and simply got ready for school. "Whatever, it's just one story. It's not like anyone is able to tell who wrote it or why I wrote it."

Izuku admits he didn't expect life to change so quickly. After his sudden 'realization' that he 'actually had a quirk', everyone seemed to want him to analyze their abilities.

It's interesting, before everyone thought he was creepy. Now they acted like he was the perfect person that they all wanted to be around. Well... except for one person...


Bakugou held Izuku against the wall of the hallway during free period. The blonde growled, as he held Izuku with one hand and his quirk popped in the other.

"K-kacchan! I-I swear I didn't k-know until now that I even h-had a quirk!? I-if I did I s-swear I would h-have told y-you!"

"SHUT UP! FUCKING DEKU!!!" Bakugou threw Izuku on the ground and stormed off. Izuku stood up, his uniform was burned. He expected to walk home alone again, but something else happened-

"Oh dear! Here let me help!" Said one girl who had blue hair. as he pulled out some disinfecting wipes and helped with the burn.

"I have a spare uniform shirt in my locker," Said a boy with grey hair.

"Are you ok, Midoriya?!" Asked a girl with glasses.

"Thank you, and I'm fine," Izuku had no idea how much him 'having a quirk' would change his life. He should have done this years ago! "I just wish Kacchan would stop being so mean..."

The Media is Wild [REPORTER IZUKU AU]Where stories live. Discover now