Chapter Three Beast Boy: Garfield Logan.

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Young Garfield sat in the lush, sun-drenched grass, engrossed in a world of imagination and adventure with his collection of toy animals. The bright summer sun painted everything in warm, golden hues, making it a perfect day for a child's play.

Not too far away, his mother, Marie, stood by the family's trusty jeep. She leaned over the engine, wiping her hands with an oil-stained rag, performing one of her routine vehicle checks. She kept a watchful eye on her son as he played, a loving smile gracing her lips.

Garfield laughed and giggled, mimicking the animal noises. His joy was infectious, filling the air with the pure, carefree happiness that only a child's heart could muster.

Suddenly, a subtle shuffle in the underbrush at the edge of the forest caught Garfield's attention. His big, curious eyes widened as he slowly stood up.

A green monkey, its vibrant emerald fur shimmering in the dappled sunlight, hopped out from the forest's depths and stood before the young boy.

Garfield had never seen a green monkey before and the little boy's face lit up with wonder, his small hand reaching out in innocence. "Monkey!" He exclaimed with a beaming smile, his voice filled with delight and fascination as he extended his hand toward the creature.

However, the monkey, feeling threatened by the sudden approach, reacted with instinctual fear. It lunged at the little boy, its sharp teeth sinking into Garfield's arm before darting back into the safety of the forest.

Garfield's joy turned into a cry of pain and surprise as he clutched his bleeding arm. His heart-wrenching scream pierced the tranquility of the summer afternoon, alerting Marie to the danger.

Marie sprinted towards her son, panic and concern etched across her face. "Oh my God, Garfield! Garfield!" She yelled, sweeping her distressed child into her arms and rushing him inside the house.

Her husband, Mark, a dedicated scientist, heard the commotion and hurriedly joined them. His brow furrowed with worry as he examined his son's wound.

"What happened, Marie?!" He asked, his voice laced with alarm, his eyes scanning Garfield's pale face.

"He was bit, Mark! I... I think it was the Cercocebus viridis!" Marie said frantically, laying Garfield on the kitchen table.

Mark examined the wound closely, his face growing graver by the moment. "He's sweating and burning up! And his pulse is out of control! These are signs of a venomous snake bite!"

"But look at his veins, Mark! And the color around the wound! It's Sakutia!" Marie said, her voice quivering with desperation.

Mark went pale, realizing the gravity of the situation. He stared at his son's rapidly deteriorating condition, his voice heavy with dread. "Green fever. A disease almost as rare as the Cercocebus Viridis. Humans can't survive it."

Marie's eyes filled with tears as she clung to her unconscious son. "Mark, what are we going to do!? It's going to kill him!"

Determination filled Mark's eyes as he turned and rushed to his laboratory. "No, it's not!" He declared. "Aristotle said the differences between man and animal were moral and ontological. But that's not entirely true. Our DNA differs by only one point six percent from the common chimp. If we can complete our research and create a link... a missing link from animal to man... then we can save him."

Marie watched as her husband swiftly prepared a syringe, their experimental work their last hope. She grabbed his hand in protest, her own trembling with fear. "Mark, that could kill him if we're wrong!"

Mark met her gaze, his eyes filled with conviction. "And the Sakutia definitely will if we don't try, Marie!"

Reluctantly, Marie turned back to her unconscious son on the table, teardrops falling onto his pale, clammy skin. She nodded, her voice trembling. "Do it!"

With trembling hands, Mark injected the syringe into Garfield's arm, their son's life hanging in the balance. "It's okay, son. You're going to be okay." He whispered, his voice filled with both hope and desperation.

Marie held her little boy tightly, tears streaming down her face as she murmured, "Oh, my baby, my Garfield..."


Garfield's small face furrowed in discomfort as he quietly moaned, gradually returning to consciousness. He blinked his eyes open, struggling to make sense of his surroundings.

"Mommy?" He rasped, his voice weak and uncertain as his mother's concerned face came into focus above him.

"Garfield, Sweetie!" Marie exclaimed, relief washing over her as she gently caressed his clammy forehead.

Garfield's gaze drifted to his father who stood nearby, his face a mix of exhaustion and elation. "We almost lost you, bud." Mark said, his voice filled with both relief and a father's deep love.

Confusion creased Garfield's brow as he tried to piece together the fragments of his memory. "What happened?" He asked, his voice trembling with uncertainty.

"You got sick, Honey." Marie explained, her eyes filled with maternal tenderness. "But your dad gave you something to make you better."

Garfield's eyes darted around the room, his young mind struggling to grasp the reality of the situation. He slowly pushed himself into a sitting position, his small hands trembling.

"I feel strange." He admitted, his gaze going to his hands as he lifted them in front of his face. To his shock, they were no longer the familiar shade, instead, they had taken on a vivid, unnatural green hue.

Mark cleared his throat, his voice heavy with hesitation. "Now, son, there... there were some side effects." He exchanged a worried glance with Marie, both of them silently grappling with the unforeseen consequences of their desperate experiment.


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