Chapter Five Starfire: Koriand'r

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Koriand'r's emerald eyes were the only source of vivid color in the dimly lit cell. The walls were slick with moisture, and a persistent drip echoed like a somber, irregular metronome. Her crimson hair, usually vibrant, clung to her sweat-soaked skin in a tangled mess. Weakness gnawed at her insides, the sensation of emptiness intensified by the throbbing ache in her wrists, where the heavy shackles clung like a cruel reminder of her captivity.

The relentless darkness of her cell had stolen all sense of time. She had lost count of the days she'd spent in this wretched confinement. The absence of sunlight had sapped her strength and drained her spirit. Yet, amidst the weariness, her heart burned with anger and betrayal. Her sister, Komand'r, had orchestrated this treacherous ordeal. The memory of her sibling's malicious grin haunted her thoughts, providing a fiery resolve that propelled her forward.

The metallic groan of the steel doors pierced the oppressive silence, snapping Koriand'r's attention from her thoughts. Her eyes narrowed as they adjusted to the sudden influx of harsh, bluish light. A tall, imposing figure entered, his reptilian features twisted into a sinister smile that revealed serrated teeth.

"Hello, Princesss." He hissed mockingly, his voice dripping with malevolence.

Koriand'r's glare intensified as the Gordanian leader began to shed his armor methodically, the clinks and thuds emphasizing the gravity of the situation. "You're much weaker ssince I ssaw you last." He taunted, advancing toward her. "No food, or water... and more importantly... no ultraviolet radiation." He seized her chin with a clawed hand, forcing her to meet his malicious gaze. "Try to ressisst me now, Princesss."

Koriand'r's muscles tensed, her body coiled like a tightly wound spring. With a sudden surge of determination, she yanked her wrists with all her remaining strength. The shackles, weakened from days of fighting, snapped, freeing her hands. Before the Gordanian could react, she thrust her arms upward, slamming her steel cuffs into his jaw. He staggered backward, hissing in pain.

Realizing that this was her only chance at escape, Koriand'r bolted from her cell. Her feet clapping against the metal floor as she sprinted down the narrow passageway, her heart pounding like a war drum. Panic coursed through her veins as alarms blared, announcing her escape to the entire ship.

She turned a corner and came face to face with the escape pods, a shimmering glimmer of hope in the midst of despair. However, an armed Gordanian guarded them, his weapon trained on her.

"Halt!" He barked, his finger tightening on the trigger.

Fueled by adrenaline and desperation, Koriand'r charged forward, her cuffed wrists leading the way. She smashed her restraints into the guard's face, knocking a few pointed teeth loose. As he stumbled backward, she executed a rapid spin kick, sending him crashing into the unforgiving wall.

With the guard incapacitated, she darted past him and into the nearest escape pod. Her trembling hands fumbled at the controls, but the cuffs hindered her. With a surge of determination, she managed to set the coordinates to the nearest planet - a distant world known as Earth.


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