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Jay's P.O.V

     I opened the letter and was shocked. It's not from the gang it's from Ben. Oh geez I wonder how Mal's gonna react when she sees the letter. I hope she come because knowing Mal if she doesn't want to be there she just won't come. The letter read:

Dear Allen,
I have written to you
to inform you that
I have schedualed
a family reunion
where we will get together.
I hope you come.
Please meet at the casle for 10:30 AM

Sincerely,King Ben of Auradon

     I sat there shocked. Ben wanted us to come back to Auradon for a reunion. I mean,the boy's probaly lonely without Mal. I was about the throw the letter away when I got an idea. If I went I would be able to see Mal Evie and Carlos again. And maybe we could go back to the way things used to be.

Carlos's P.O.V

     I opened the letter to see it was from no other than Ben himself. Wow i'm surprised he had the energy to do that because we all know Ben is nothing without Mal. And how did Ben track me down in the first place I wonderd to myself.

Dear Luke,
I have written to you
to inform you that
I have schedualed
a family reunion
where we will get together.
I hope you come.
Please meet at the casle for 10:30 AM

Sincerely,King Ben of Auradon

I sat there abousolutely shocked. Well maybe if I go back I could apoligize and we could go back to the way life used to be. I wonder if Mal will go crawling back to Ben or if she will finally confesss to Evie that she loves her more than a best friend. Mal wants to be Evie's girlfriend and Evie wants to be Mal's girlfriend. Not only did Mal tell me but you can see it in both Mal and Evie's eyes. I surprised Ben hasn't noticed yet.

Evie's P.O.V

     I opened the letter and was only feeling 3 things.Nervous Shocked and Excited. It was no other than Ben himself. How the hell did he track me down but that doesn't matter. What matters and I go back to Auradon and find Mal. I need to tell her how I feel.

Dear Cassie,
I have written to you
to inform you that
I have schedualed
a family reunion
where we will get together.
I hope you come.
Please meet at the casle for 10:30 AM

Sincerely,King Ben of Auradon

Mal's P.O.V

     I sat there next to Sofia shocked. How could I go back and face Evie Carlos and Jay. I said some aweful things that I NEVER want to relive because I have no Evie to wake up to. Sofia kept trying to peek over my shoulder but I wouldn't let her. I didn't want her to know I lied. And if for some reason I went back to Auradon and stayed there I could use my magic to poof all my stuff from here.

Dear Dove,
I have written to you
to inform you that
I have schedualed
a family reunion
where we will get together.
I hope you come.
Please meet at the casle for 10:30 AM

Sincerely,King Ben of Auradon


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