Eary headed up to his room. Both to pack and to confront Mote, his otherworldly companion.
As he closed his door, he called out “Ok, you’ve been quiet this whole time. We gotta talk!” Mote shyly emerged from the emptiness in front of Eary. He stated “Hey, look, I’m sorry. I wasn’t lookin’, won’t happen again!” Eary snarked “I almost got abducted, dude. What the fuck?” Mote quickly replied “I’m a little rusty, it was a church for cryin’ out loud. Who tries to take a kid from church?” Eary tapping his foot replied “I think he had powers. He spoke and I couldn’t do anything. It’s like he had control of me. What do you think?” Mote scratched his ear and replied "I don't know, Eary. Sounds real fishy to me," Eary began to pace back and forth. "He knew my name, and he knew I was with Eph the night of the miracle! Does he know about my powers?" Eary ranted, pacing around his room and frantically gathering items from his evening.
"He might! Like I've told ya before, Light Bright, you ain't the only one out there!" Mote exclaimed. He continued in an ominous tone “There are others, some you might be able to make friends with, but most? Not so much." Eary nervously replied "But I got all kinds of powers. I don’t need to be worried, do I?" Mote fidgeting, replied with haste "No, no, but maybe it's best I stick by you?" Mote nervously continued "Hey, I think that Ephraim really likes you. Why else would he be wantin’ you to spend the night?” Eary scoffed "I'm just spending the night at the Bennetts' with Josh and Ephraim. And he is just being nice.”
“Well now, that's pretty big news, that is," chimed Mote as he spun around Eary in a shower of sapphire and cerulean lights. "This might be the ticket! You need to act all scared, yeah! Make him feel like a big guy. Guys love that kind of thing! This is perfect!" Mote instructed with great confidence.
"You really think something like this makes me more attractive?" Eary squinted in confusion, looking up at the creature.
"Absolutely! Tell me one fairy tale where the princess is in trouble and the boy doesn’t come to rescue her? I defy you!" Mote buzzed with enthusiasm as he zoomed into Eary's bag. "And of course, I'm going with you!"
"Great," replied Eary as he zipped up his bag, ready for an unexpected evening.
As the Olson family pulled up in front of the Bennett home, they were greeted by Brian and Ephraim, their smiles radiant as the car doors swung open. Eary stepped out of the vehicle, carefully unzipping his bag to release the transparent Mote into the world. Eager to retrieve his sleeping bag from the trunk, Eary found it already in the firm grip of Ephraim, who wore a soft expression. “How are you doing?" Ephraim's voice was gentle, filled with concern. Eary widened his eyes, captivated by Ephraim's presence. "I'm doing alright, just a little shaken up still."
Ephraim's smile warmed even more. "I totally get it. But you don't have to worry," he reassured Eary, sliding his free arm around Eary's shoulder. "I'm here, and I won't let you out of my sight." With that, Ephraim escorted Eary inside the Bennett home, casting a reassuring light on the evening.
Inside, Ephraim kindly carried Eary's belongings to his room while Eary pretended to use the bathroom as an excuse to summon Mote. Whispering, Eary called out for his loyal, transparent friend. In a flash of blue, Mote appeared, his gruff demeanor momentarily softened by Eary's excitement.
"Did you see that, Mote? He put his arm around me! You were right!" Eary exclaimed in hushed exuberance.
"See! I told ya! I know what I'm talkin' about, didn't I, kiddo," Mote boasted, his pride evident.
"Yes! Oh my god! I bet we will be dating by tomorrow," Eary declared, clasping his hands with anticipation. Mote landed gracefully on a fluffy white towel. "Mmhmm, mmhmm. And who do ya have to thank for that now?" he asked with a knowing smirk.
"You! You! You! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Eary trumpeted, practically bouncing with joy. Mote, the seasoned advisor, reminded Eary of their strategy. "Okay, you gotta remember, you're an injured flower now. Did you bring any more of that aftershave?"
"No," Eary admitted, a hint of regret in his voice.
"Cryin' shame! But we'll get by. C'mon, let's not keep 'em waiting," Mote urged before disappearing from sight.
Leaving the bathroom, Eary was unexpectedly ambushed by Ephraim. "Hey, Air bear," greeted Ephraim, a fond nickname that sent warmth through Eary's veins. There was a momentary pause as Ephraim stared blankly at the wall before snapping back to the present, one arm concealed behind his back. "I have something for you," he said, his voice tinged with nervousness.
Eary, slightly puzzled, responded cautiously, "Really?" A perplexed smile danced on his fair face as he watched Ephraim's next move.
Without hesitation, Ephraim swiftly revealed his hidden hand, unveiling a blue hoodie adorned with permanent marker signatures. Across the shoulders, the name "Bennett" proudly stood out. It was Ephraim's beloved school hoodie from the previous year.
"Eph!" Eary gasped, touched by the gesture. "I know how much you love that hoodie. You wear it all the time." He gazed at the cherished garment with a mix of gratitude and nostalgia.
"Yeah, I know," Ephraim acknowledged, a hint of sentimentality in his eyes. "But I was thinking. I wanted you to have it." Eary accepted the gift, a timid smile spreading across his face. "Thank you so much."
"You're welcome," Ephraim replied with newfound confidence, their unspoken bond growing stronger in the moment. Quickly adorning the garment, they returned to the living room. Josh was already browsing streaming services, ready to continue their evening together.
After the customary exchange of greetings, the three boys settled into the Bennetts’ living room. Eary, brimming with excited cheer, initiated the discussion. "So, what kinds of things do you guys wanna do tonight?"
Josh, his enthusiasm notably muted, replied with a shrug, his gaze drifting to the side. "Well, we can't really leave, so pretty much TV and food."
Eary, undeterred, maintained his enthusiasm. "I know we can't leave, but we can do all kinds of things while at home!"
Ephraim, reminiscing about past adventures, chimed in "Yeah, we used to have all kinds of fun at home, didn't we, Eary?"
Their shared memories brought a smile to both boys' faces. Eary added, "Like card games, board games,"
Ephraim grinned as he continued, "And building forts, hide-and-go-seek, and—" In perfect harmony, they both exclaimed, "Bad movie nights!" Laughter filled the room as they recalled their cherished moments together.
However, their laughter was interrupted by a distinct sound—ding. It was the sound of Ephraim's phone receiving a text message, a sound Eary knew all too well. Ephraim checked his phone, his attention momentarily diverted from their conversation. Eary patiently waited for Ephraim to return his focus when another sound echoed through the room—ding, this time from Josh's phone.
Back and forth, the texting continued for two minutes, their conversation growing increasingly tense. In a sudden burst of frustration, Josh stormed off. Ephraim excused himself as he chased after, leaving his phone behind, unlocked.
Snooping wasn't Eary's usual behavior, but curiosity got the better of him, and time was of the essence. He swiftly picked up Ephraim's phone, delving into the privacy of his friend's messages, starting from two minutes prior.
Josh: "Why does my brother have your hoodie on?"
Ephraim: "It was getting old, and I thought it would be nice."
Josh: "YOU GAVE IT TO HIM?!?!?!"
Ephraim: "Yeah. Why?"
Josh: "Are you fucking serious?"
Ephraim: "Relax, it's not a big deal."
Josh: "It's a big deal to me!"
Ephraim: "Please just stop. I was only being nice because of earlier today. You know I'm only doing this because my mom asked."
Josh: "Your mom asked you to give Eary your hoodie? The hoodie we all made for you? And that's not a big deal?"
Ephraim: "I'm sorry. What's the big deal?"
Josh: "You don't see why it might bother me that my brother is wearing my boyfriend's hoodie? It's bad enough we have to put up with him. But we also have to keep quiet about it to protect the little weirdo's feelings. Now you do this?"
Ephraim: "I think you're overreacting."
The messages chilled the air. Eary felt like he was watching a scene from a movie. In the midst of the silence, Mote's voice echoed from the void, offering consolation. "I'm sorry, kid. I'm so sorry," he murmured.
Eary's thoughts raced, and he decided to confront the situation head-on. "I need to see it with my own eyes," he thought as he cautiously made his way down the hall to the slightly ajar door leading to the Bennett's garage. The voices of the two boys grew louder with each step, pulling him closer. He reached the door and, summoning all his courage, stealthily peeked his head inside.
As Eary stealthily peered into the garage, a shocking scene unfolded before him, one that he had never witnessed before. His brother, Josh, sat on Ephraim's lap, their arms locked in an intimate embrace, lips parting from a tender kiss. Eary's heart sank as he noticed the tear streaks on Josh's cheeks, mirroring the red blotches that adorned his own face. The kiss ended, and Ephraim, his voice gentle, tried to comfort Josh. "Baby, you know how I feel about you and how I feel about him."
Josh, his voice trembling with sorrow, replied through sobs, "I know. But it's just... he gets everything!"
"I know he does," Ephraim consoled, holding Josh close, "I know he does."
Eary couldn't believe what he was witnessing. "I get everything?" he whispered angrily to Mote, his shock and anger building as he retreated to the couch.
"What childhood have they been watching here?" Mote exclaimed out of sight. "I know, right! That's such BS! He got the car, he got the relationship with Dad, he got to be tall," Eary retorted with a hint of bitterness. His voice cracked as he added, "...And he got Ephraim. Apparently, everything wasn't enough for Josh. My continued presence is a problem." Anger simmered within him.
Mote joined in, fanning the flames of Eary's frustration. "How about Ephraim? The nerve of that kid! I do believe you gave up four years of YOUR life to sit around with the little ingrate."
Eary's emotions reached a boiling point. Amid his whirlwind of emotions, Eary heard the garage door close. With lightning speed, he unrolled his sleeping bag just in time for Josh and Ephraim to emerge from the hallway.
"Hey, what's going on?" Ephraim asked with genuine concern, though Eary couldn't help but feel uneasy by the sincerity.
"Oh, nothing much, just feeling kind of tired after the day. So I thought I'd get ready for bed," Eary replied with feigned enthusiasm.
"It's 8 o'clock at night," Josh noted, his apprehension evident.
"Yeah, I know. But these kinds of things can make ya tired. Oh, I was thinking, Ephraim..." Eary started, lifting himself off the ground while folding up the hoodie. "...I think this is probably too important to you." He tossed the hoodie back to Ephraim. Ephraim held it in his hands, his expression shifting as he stuttered, "I... gave this to you as a gift."
Eary maintained his facade. "It's fine, man, really. Here," he said, tossing the sweater back to Ephraim, he continued "I wouldn't feel right about accepting this. I mean, this was from your hockey days. I had nothing to do with those, right?"
Ephraim looked shaken by the rejection but didn't press the issue further. "Eary, is everything okay?" he asked, genuine concern in his eyes.
"Perfectly fine. I'm just a little beat from the day. But feel free to do whatever. Don't worry about me," Eary reassured, slipping into his sleeping bag.
Josh's voice turned somber as he inquired, "What's going on?"
Eary, trying to maintain his composure, retorted, "Nothing! I'm just tired. Geeze, what's with the third degree?"
"Ok then. If you're going to bed, Ephraim and I are probably just going to go up to his room then," Josh replied.
"That's fine. Have a good night, guys!" Eary loudly stated from inside his sleeping bag.
"Cool. Have a good night," Josh declared. Moments later, Eary heard two sets of footsteps ascending the stairs.
"I cannot stay here tonight!" Eary whispered urgently to himself. He cautiously peered out of his sleeping bag, then silently made his way to the entryway. Swiftly, he put on his shoes and slipped out of the front door into the night.
Beneath the star-studded canvas of a brisk autumn night, the distant hum of traffic provided a haunting backdrop as Eary descended the front steps of his two-story house. His footsteps led him along a winding path towards the comforting solitude of the dimly lit sidewalk.
Amidst the shadows, Eary's frustration and confusion boiled over. With a vehement exclamation, he stormed down the block, his emotions palpable. Mote zipped alongside him, offering a glimmer of reassurance in the darkness.
"I just don't see how you couldn't be important to him," Mote assured, attempting to soothe Eary's inner turmoil.
Eary's response was a passionate lament: "I could care less if I'm important to him! Yuck, yuck, yuck!"
Ever the optimist, Mote responded, "Well then, look on the bright side! You can tell him you're over him now, start trying to be friends again."
As they continued their journey, Eary's thoughts delved into the past, where memories of Ephraim's changing behavior haunted him. "Ephraim had been so different since hockey started two years ago. Then it got worse last year with varsity. Then this last summer, I didn't see him at all," he mused. A disheartening realization dawned upon him. "Dude, we weren't even friends anymore! As soon as he got close to Josh, WHAM! He was done with me. Which would mean that our friendship was crap for some time before that too." Eary sighed, carrying the weight of melancholic displeasure. "After prioritizing him for four years of hell, I didn't even end up with a friend. What's worse is that I have these powers because of that creep!" He shared his grievances with Mote. "Mote, I really think after today, I'm going to avoid him from now on. I've been inserting myself into his life for too long. It's just embarrassing at this point, honestly. I need to start focusing on myself, that's all I can do."
Mote offered a comforting presence, landing on Eary's shoulder and extending a consoling paw. "It'll be okay, kid. And it might just be for the best." Eary angrily continued “What about you? You’re the one who kept pushing me into this, thinking it could work!” Mote replied, flying off Eary’s shoulder and keeping up in a flurry of blue lights. “Hey now, I’ve only been trying to help you.” Eary’s agitation was apparent as he responded “Help me?! Ever since you’ve showed up, my life has gone up in flames. I’m better off without you.” Mote exclaimed “I helped you save Ephraim! Without me he’d be dead! You can’t seriously be upset with me over something like this.” Eary shot back “You never behave. You’re always turning every situation into a disaster.” Eary’s rant continued as he huffed down the dimly lit streets. “I used to be close with Ephraim. If you hadn’t always been dragging me away and making me talk to myself, maybe things would be different.” Mote hovered silently beside Eary, his expression reflecting that of remorse.
As Eary scolded Mote, he didn’t notice the white car pull up behind him. The night took a terrifying turn as two arms seized Eary from behind, jolting him with fear. "AH!" he screamed. In a swift response, Mote formed a protective force field and collided with the shadowy assailant.
"Let's get out of here. Run, Eary!" Mote urged.
With renewed composure, Eary prepared to flee, but a second man emerged from a white car behind them. Eary sprinted past the man, erecting a shimmering amber barrier to thwart his pursuit. "Go, Go, Go," cried Mote as they raced back towards the Bennett home.
Eary's heart raced, as he ran with an otherworldly speed, constantly checking over his shoulder to find the man still in pursuit. His panic was intensified as he witnessed ominous swirling vortexes of darkness on the periphery of his vision. The shine of the street lights, dimmed with each block, and an ominous presence crept closer. Fear propelled him onward. Four blocks remained, then three, then two, then one. He could see the white house with blue trim—sanctuary. Relief began to wash over him.
In a horrible twist of fate, a sinister, unsettlingly familiar voice shattered his hope: "Stop."
Eary froze, his body betraying him. Salvation was within reach, yet he couldn't move. Obediently, he turned to face the source of the voice, his body contorting in unnatural, agonizing ways. Tears welled up in his eyes as he beheld the man who had tried to abduct him from church earlier that day.
"There you are. I've been looking all over for you," the man declared, drawing closer. Eary was paralyzed, his mind racing with fear.
"Speak," the man commanded, and Eary stammered, "I don't know what you're talking about. I'm no one. Please." Tears streamed down his face as he pleaded for mercy.
"Fear not. I have come to liberate you. You have no idea what you are capable of, but I do," the ominous figure preached, sending chills down Eary's spine. As the horrors of his future flashed before him, Eary's fear engulfed him completely. Mote, defiant until the end, interjected. "Hey, freak, back off!" Mote flew towards his adversary once more. Yet, this was no ordinary foe. With a sinister gesture, the forbidding figure banished Mote with a swirl of blue light. Eary trembled in terror as the towering figure drew closer, issuing one final command: "Sleep.”

The Unusual Occurrence Of Mote
Teen Fiction(Third place in the 2024 rose awards 97.5/100) *ƁOOK ONE IN THE 'SCIONS OF A FORGOTTEN AGE TRILOGY.'* In the midst of adversity, friendship can blossom into something extraordinary. When Eary Olson discovers he possesses magical gifts following the...