Chapter 25: Interdimensional Offices of Karmic Debt

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The next morning, Eary awoke from a terrible night of nightmares. In one, Tiddle was chasing him. He was powerless, and no matter how fast he ran, he kept gaining. The other saw he and Decan waiting for a bus, but when it arrived, Ephraim was there too. The final one featured himself and his friends, fighting an impossibly tall shadowy figure. Then, in a flash, he was alone.

The whole series of dreams left him uneasy in the morning, and after discussing things with Mote, the little moteling had some insights. "Sounds like it might be nightmares, but maybe more. Tell me, do you see yourself in these dreams? Or are they from your point of view?" Eary replied."My point of view." Mote nodded."Could be your havin' visions of the future. Not terribly uncommon for a Claris to experience. But don't go takin' 'em too seriously now. Visions are often misleading." Eary agreed, then Mote continued."Good! Now that that's all settled, I have a day trip planned!"

As Mote made his announcement, he heard a knock on his door. Outside the door were Alice, Mei, and Calvin.

Eary greeted them, and the four teens quickly congregated around Mote. He proudly announced, "Today, yous kids are comin' to work with me!" He smiled with a mischievous grin.

The four teens looked at each other in confusion. Eary asked, "What do you mean, 'your work'?" Mote smugly replied."I mean my old 9 to 5. I told you I work for Claris, didn't I? Don't you think they could spring for an office?"

Eary's brow raised in surprise as Mote rolled his eyes. Mote continued, "Guess I'll just have to shows you all then."

Mote lifted the long crystalline device he had acquired at the lab. With a mighty flash, a large circular portal floated next to Mote. He continued, "Alright then, everybody through the portal!" As Mote zipped through, Eary and his friends hesitated, apprehensive about what lay on the other side. Until Mote, popping his little head back through, commanded, "Well, what ya waitin' for? Get to moseyin'!" He once again disappeared into the portal. The four teens summoned their courage and followed him inside.

Passing through the large shimmering blue portal, the group found themselves inside a large pure white room. Large white pillars stretched up for eternity, and the busy bustle of the floors above could be seen. A single set of elevators to the left seemed to be the only way to reach those levels. That was nothing to say of the large, four-story tall, reptilian humanoid, with a mass of tentacles where its mouth should be.

The team followed Mote forward. Nervously, the teens approached the horrific creature with caution, powers at the ready. Until Mote greeted it. "Hey Tina! How's it goin' today?" The enormous monstrosity gazed down at the four tiny beings, its eyes a glow in a dazzle of yellow light, replied ,"Mishu gungwa ra til'unda, Mote?" Mote smiled mischievously and replied,"It sure is! How ya doin' toots? Did ya miss me?" The colossal being exclaimed, placing its gargantuan, clawed hand over its tentacled mouth. It appears to be giggling as it responded, "Nubaba Mote. GULAHAHAHAH!"

Alice approached Mote. "None of us understand a thing! What the fuck?" Mote shrugged, turning to the monstrosity, he asked "Hey, Tina. Could you help me out? Got some whiney Earth kids, here. And they don't speak a lick of celestial." The horror nodded, and after a few waives of its hand, a strange screen appeared before it. After pressing several buttons, the entity looked down, and in a high pitched, 1920 dialect anounced "There ya go, cuties! Ya should be able to hear us all now! I'm Tina, the receptionist here at The Interdimensional Offices of Karmic Debt. If ya dolls need anything, just give me a holler, I can hear ya anywhere in here!"

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