Backround Info

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My name is Conner James Gomez.
I was born this way, just not wih this name.
My name was Audrey Catherine Gomez.
I changed it to fit me.
I am FtM Transgender.
And that is what this is about.
A few months ago, I heard about a girl named Leelah Alcorn.
She was born male, but identified as female.
She told her parents at age 14 and made it public that she liked guys.
Her parents did not approve.
At age 16, she talked to her parents about transition treatment, but they denied it.
They transfered her to an online school and took away her social media access.
She was alone.
She was hurt.
She had no one to talk to and no one who seemed to care.
At age 17, on December 28, she committed suicide.
She left a few suicide notes, two on Twitter and one in person.
Her parents threw out the one they got on her bed.
The ones on Twitter, however, were shared throughout the whole site.
People started to notice the problem.
People started to care.
And that is what this is about.
I, Conner James Neth, age 14, will try to make a change, make Leelah's death mean something, make people understand.
I will try to help these people who are hurt every day because their parents don't accept them, and I'm not just talking about trans people.
I'm talking about eveyone.
I'm talking about the homosexual people who's parents are disappointed by them.
I'm talking about the straight people who live somewhere where everyone is homo (or something like that).
I'm talking about eveyone who needs help.
I have named three examples.
I want to help more than just them.
And this is why I'm starting my own little organization.
The Alcorn Project.

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