Chapfter 1 - Cece pov - The Beginning

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Trapped on a haunted house with Denis Dang

Cece and her friends Myria, Lucyna, Lyra, Mari, Angel, and Alastar were at a house that was supposed to be haunted and were getting a tour. 

"Wow," Angel said. She was so surprised to seeing a haunted hause for the first time.

 "It's so prettyyyyy," Cece says, smiling looking up.  

"Guys, this is a little scary, I don't think we should be here," Angel hesitantly said. 

"Don't be afraid Angel, I wn't let anything hurt you," Lyra replied. 

"I hope we get to meet up with Myria, Lucyna, and Mari soon. I miss them !!" Cece said. 

"Yes, what if they get trapped and we're not here to pr 1otect them?" exclaimed Lyra. 

"We'll just make a ton of fun of them :P" Alistar assured, "I brought a ouija board" 

"Oh no! I don't think that's a good idea in a haunted house!" Angel yelped. 

"It's just gonna be a little chat," Alistar dismissed . 

"We have to find the others first!" Cece reminded the rest of them.

Soon they saw three people coming thier way. It was Myria, Bea, and Masaki! 

"Omg I miss you so much Myria!" Alistar shouted.

 "Oh my god Alistar!" Myria shouted back. They ran together in an embrace. When Cece saw Mari, she immediately gravitated there. Myra and Alistar proceeded to goof around and do impersonations. "Wow Alistar, your acting is perfect! No actor could ever live up to you, they should probably just quit their jobs, all the do is get into really bad habits and their whole life is flushed down the toilet." Cece got really mad! 


"Oh yeah? Who?" Myria replied smugly. 

"His name is Dennis Đặng . And he is the hottest guy you will ever meet. Hotter than the likes of YOU!' Myria was so frusted she SLAPPED Cece. 

Just then, they heard a voice say "Hey. Leave her alone." They all looked at where it was coming from. It was Denis Đặng!!!! 

"OMG Denis Đặng, i'm your biggest fan!" Cece was so surprised to see Denis Đặng and Quỳnh Lương in the same haunted house! "Are you guys dating?" she asked. Denis laughed.

"Hahah. No, we're not dating, we're just friends" Quỳnh Lương looked a little mad at him. >:(

"Yeah , you must be after the atomic bomb tragedy" Quỳnh was quick to agree.

"Yes yes, we're so grateful to have each other, especially after Quân died." She tightly gripped his arm, To which he pulled away.

"You my friend," he said, pointing to Myria, "Need to learn about how immature you are. You look like you're from loser town, because you're a los r." Myria gasped, they had never been insulted so badly. She ran away in anger. Alistar was so mad the Denis insulted their bff, they stomped away angrily. 

"Guys, don't go off on your own, we have to get along so we can be in the room together! We're stuck there for an hour!" Angel yelled. Alistar and Myria just went straight to the room.

"I'm so sorry she did that to you," Denis said as he helped Cece up. "You are so so beautiful." He was so handsome his silver hair was long because he grew it out because all of the hairstylists died in the atomic bomb.

Trapped On A Haunted Huse with Denis ĐặngWhere stories live. Discover now