Chapter 4 - split pov again - Come Alive

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They spoke in unison. "X," "I," "N," "C," "H," "A," "O."

"Oh my god it worked!"

"What does it mean?"

"Maybe it's another language?"

The lotus was in pieces by now, and Cece didn't want to get caught, so she unlocked the door and practically sprinted out to look for her friends. She didn't remember how she got there, she just knew she shouldn't linger. She didn't know how far along the tour was, but they were supposed to be able to go into whatever room they wanted by 6:00. She took her phone out. Midnight?. There's no way. She was only in there for a couple of minutes. She looked out one of the windows. It was dead dark except for the full moon. Maybe that's why the house felt so cold. She continued trying to search for the stairs.

"Please tell me it worked" she said exasperated 

"I don't know," he said. "What I do know is that we need to get out of here." I put my hand on the door knob. It wouldn't budge. "Uhhh... Quỳnh?" 

"What's wrong?"

"It's not opening."

"Uh.. uhhm.. what is your name?" Alistar spoke briskly.

S-P-E-A-K S-L-O-W-L-Y 

"Who. Is. Here?" Myria cut off. "What is your name?" They said with full clarity.

N-G-U-Y-E-N T-R-A-N T-R-U-N-G Q-U-A-N 

"Why such a long name?"

"I think that's one of those lame actors Cece keeps raving about." Myria replied

"Do not speak ill of the dead!" But it was too late. The board shook.

"Friends, friends, where are my friends?" The lights made a monotone buzzing noise. You'd think if they're having people tour this place they'd replace the lights with something safer, especially since the entire house is highly flammable. She paused for a second. Knock knock. Knock knock. Knock-knock-knock. Who on earth was at the house at midnight? Maybe... Just maybe... It really did work?

"Come on, open up..." He muttered. He shook the doorknob. "Why aren't there any people? It's open 'til eight!"

"Yeah and it's only..." She tapped his shoulder "...look at this." He whipped his face around, getting his hair in her eyes.

"I don't care about the time,  I care about-" "NO." "Quỳnh this isn't funny."

"It's not a joke!" They both look up. They could only see about half the moon. It definitely changed positions.

"There's no one here!" "God DAMNIT" he banged on the door a couple of times

"Hey hey hey hey hey don't get so worked up! We'll figure it out!" "If no one can let us in, we'll have to figure out how to do it together." She looked sincerely in his eyes.

"Alright, what do you suggest?"

They took their hands off the still moving planchette. Alistar backed themselves into a door and Myria soon followed suit. The ouija board floated into the ceiling.


Much like the paper lotus, the cardboard ouija board ripped into four, dropping the planchette onto the table, where it shook for a few more seconds before coming to an abrupt stop. The four parts now lay in four corners of the room.


"We didn't get to say goodbye to it." Alistar stated dumbfounded.

"We have bigger problems to deal with."

"No we don't. That means that this 'Nguyen' character... is uh... still here.

"Please tell me you're joking"

"Myria, if we die, we die together." And they held hands, "But right now, we need to leave this room." 

The knocking turned to banging. She didn't understand what was happening. She tried to find out who -- or WHAT was banging on the door. Slowly and unsuredly, she crept to the door in question. It stopped. Something felt wrong. She needed to leave. The clogged up space between the screen and the window couldn't show her what was behind it. She waved her face around to try and decipher what was going on.

She got closer to the door. She could hear some sort of tearing, like the screen was breaking apart. She put her face almost up to the window. What was going on?


She felt herself convulsing for about 10 seconds straight in fear. She screamed as whoever it was tried to break the window, who's durability was being tested further with each slam. She couldn't move, she could barely breathe. The window started to crack. It got bigger and bigger and bigger. And then it broke. Whoever was behind stuck their now bloody arm through the window and tried to maneuver it towards the doorknob to no avail. Just below her screaming she could hear a voice.

"Hey!" "Who are you?" "Can you hear me?" "I need to get in"

She paused screaming for a moment to try and detect who it was.

"Can you just unlock the door please?"

...It was Denis Đặng.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2023 ⏰

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