12 : Victoriously yours.

335 22 91

Haerin's pov

Miyeon, Miyeon, Miyeon.

You are getting on my nerves.

Minji is MINE. And mine only.

I couldn't stop thinking about Minji this night, her relationship with Miyeon.

« Ugh, this is all my fault !» I said as I started tearing up, as the tears were dropping down my face,my eyes began to close and I fell asleep.


*⏰* The clock rang.

« THE GAME ! » I immediately opened my eyes and I was now feeling enthusiastic about the day. I immediately reached for my phone and called Minji.



« Wow wow, why so loud? »

« Sorry, I got a bit too excited »

« It's alright, why are you calling me this early? »

« Because it's the day of your game and I wanted to cheer you up a bit before it starts »

« But Haerin, the game is starting in 4 hours bro »

« So ? »

« So.. I don't know »

« See ? I don't see the problem »

« Yeah »

« Well Minji, can I see you before the game ? »

« I don't know, you know it's a bit far from home.. »

« I don't mind, I want to see you, so, can I ? »

« Ok, but hurry up if you want to see me »

« Yes babe »

« Don't ca- »

I ended the call and quickly prepared myself, I put the dress that Hyein obeyed me to buy.


« I'm going ! » i yelled before exiting the house.

Minji's pov

« Don't call me babe ! » i yelled at the phone, she didn't hear what I said because she ended the call before I could say anything.

« This idiot » I said letting a smile appeared on my face.

Why am I smiling ?

« Oooh Minji why are you smiling suddenly ? » The team started to tease me, I shook my head and responded, « Nothing nothing ».

« If you say so Minji bear » Bahiyyih joked as the other girls laughed at me.

I couldn't help but laugh with them.

« Let's focus on training now » I said in a serious tone.

We trained for 1 hours. After the training session we went back to our room and did our things.


Bahiyyih and I watched a movie on Netflix, when we were watching the movie, someone called me.

I exited the room to get the call, it was Haerin.

« Hello ? »

« Hey Minji, I'm  almost here »

« Ok, I'll join you »

« okey, see you »

« See ya »

Meant to be togetherDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora