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I didn't think I'd make another, this might not even be punished. But oh well-

I wake up suddenly, as I gasp silently from...

A dream?

What was that?

Half asleep I look towards the window next to my bed but I can't tell if it's day or night.

It's burgundy outside.

What does that even mean?

I look down to my vibrant speckled hands, forgetting how life felt in his sweater.

I'm tired but not.

I don't even know what time it is...

I check my phone but the numbers are unreadable.



This universe is hard to read, how could I expect to read the time? I shouldn't bother.

I get up from my bed and I'm hollow. Am I actually hungry or is this all in my head?

I flinch.

There it is again.

I don't even know what it is.

I think and then I get hit and flinch.


I take one step and suddenly I'm outdoors? I can't handle this place.

But I remember who I am. The pain drips as I walk across this black and white world.

Everyone goes in slow motion while I'm somehow reaching places faster than anything.

The speed in my vision is giving me a headache....or is it a heartache? I can't tell.

All I know is that I'm hurting.

"Why do you bleed?"


Someone is in front of me asking that question but their identity is a huge mystery. I can hear their voice clearly but I don't hear a gender or age.

It was like you could only describe their voice with inapplicable words.

"Why do you bleed?" they ask again.

I didn't realize how close there were to me, and holding out my hands.

My paint drips and drops as it always does.

I witness this person holding my two hands out.

"What?" I say- I can hear them loud and clear but I don't know what they're talking about.


My body feels like it got hit with a bullet.

My name..

"Why do you bleed and not tell anyone?"

I'm lost. I'm hurting but I'm lost.

"Your wounds.."

What wounds? This person is insane.


I can't say that. I have that possibility as well. But this person just sounds a little too crazy. I don't even know who they are though.

"Your wounds are lethal yet you don't call for help. When people get hurt, they seek help for their condition."

I can't tell if I understand or not.

"You know you bleed from your wrists but you don't let it be known."

I speak, "I don't even cut my wrists- what are you even saying?"

They're gone.

I don't even understand.

I don't get how they vanished and I didn't even witness this and too what the heck they were telling me.

I look to my messy hands. And I glance up.

I see a mirror and myself. But I see that broken girl with her brown eyes and clear skin.

She looks fine but it looks like there's a bullet in her heart through the look in her face.


I turn quickly and I see my Rose. I feel the mirror disappear behind me as he approaches me.

I smile seeing his face hover over mine.

"Hai wuv;" I say.

I feel his hands pull me close to him, and I wrap mine around him too.

"What were you doing?" he says.

His voice echoes.

Like literally echoes.

I ignore that factor because this world is always a mystery.

I shake my head a bit as I got lost in thought.


His stare awaits an answer.

"I don't remember Nicholas..this place is..."

He holds me close and kisses me. I lose my thought. It was gone. It felt like amnesia.

"This place is wha- I love you Catrina~"


I'm lost honestly.

This place? What is he talking about-
And then he says something else like a switch was flipped.

"I love you Nicholas."

What was I even thinking about right now? Doesn't matter. He's in front of me and I love him so much. I nuzzle him and he smiles, nuzzling me back.

It was so cute and adorable.

We laid down and cuddled.

I wake up suddenly, as I gasp silently from...


We'll never let you remember.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2023 ⏰

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