A Dance of Life to Death

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Oh god. Oh no...this can't be it. Can it? How did I even get here? And why? Really. I know the answers but do I?

I'm going to die here. Where is everyone? Where am I? Are the spirits above going to judge me? Will I be okay?

Darkness filled the entire building, a cold chill only lay all around. No warmth was to be found until you could reach the sun's light, which wasn't very soon. Cat was alone and hidden behind a bookshelf, hearing the clicking of something she thought she'd never hear. It's coming. And it's going to destroy her whole being altogether like it did to the others. Cat was back against the tall bookshelf, heavy but quiet breathing as she hoped for her dear life to be safe. It was there, in the room with her. From the corner of her eye, she could see its glow from what she believed to be their eyes. The color was only gaining slowly, it was coming. It didn't know she was there, but one movement the broken wooden floors would creak from age and then it would be all over.

She couldn't summon a spirit, her voice were to be required. Even if she were far away in a better hidden spot, these monsters would be coming quickly to devour her soul. Cat then realized how sweaty she'd been, she had ran before hours ago. She's been here for many hours. It was about 9 PM when she and her friends arrived. Every one of them was dead now, watching every death she knew. It was only her left and she probably was going to end the same way. Only time could save her now.

I'm sorry everybody...I was the one who wanted to go. I was the one who wanted to come. I caused all of this. You're all dead because of me!

More clicking and clicking of the monster's footsteps. The dim light was getting closer and closer. It was about to turn the corner to discover Cat immediately. This was it. She was going to die.

I can't yet, not now.

The monster stepped forward and turned, just seeing Cat for barely a second as she burst for the door in a run.

She ran, as fast as she could. For dear life. For her friends. For anything out there. Her feet took her away quickly. But the terrifying steps of the robot's feet only boomed loudly as she got away, the sound fading and gaining. Her heart beat even faster than it was from the amount of fear growing within her.

Cat had lost it.

She began to slow down, listening to the robot search for her but failing. She had ran into a large closet it seemed, a big janitor's closet. Brooms and such everywhere. But unlike any janitor's closet, there were large toy heads of animals for the mascots of this terrifying hell of a building. They were meant for someone to wear, not for the robotic suits. Looking at the doorway, she knew none of the robots could enter such a small entrance. Her eyes scanned the room, calming down after such the rush.

It hit her.

Pain quickly ran through her body. And then...she felt it. Their presence.

Looking down at her torso, she saw the blade of a knife inside of her, blood dripping down quickly to the dark checkered floor. The knife was pulled out quickly, no longer supporting her as she fell down to the floor. Her vision began to blur as she stared up at the dim light above. But what caught her eye was the one who had stabbed her, a man with a large smile. Blood stained on his body. Cat didn't know what to feel other than pain, she was surely dying.

A sad wheeze escaped her lips as she hanged on for dear life, she began to cry quietly to contain from more pain to kill her more quickly. Tears ran from her eyes and blood from her mouth. Blood sometimes would cough up from out of her lips. She tried to hold on to the wound but even struggled to move. Any slight movement would only cause more pain. Whoever was in front of her, she didn't wanna focus on. She looked down to where the wound was, only to see blood pouring out on the floor. Everything blurred further from both tears and losing life. The man, it seemed, turned and faded into the darkness of the end of the closet, leaving her to die.

Cat stopped crying slowly as death was drowning her away from life, her eyes beginning to go blank with nothing. It's shine was gone, the energy in her went out. Her limbs all went limp. And she thought about how she didn't expect it to be this way and how she ruined it. The pain was so much that it numbed her completely. The only thing to feel left was guilt. And it all swallowed her whole as she took her last breath.

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