Lets talk

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10:00 AM

(Duke groans as he slowly wakes up and stares at Kai and thinks... Imma make him mines once I heal the right way.)

(Duke always liked Kai but when Shayla got in the picture it was like Kai distanced himself and that hurt Duke a lot. Even when him and Shayla first got together his mind always wondered to Kai as he didn't want to be in a relationship with Shayla but she insisted that they try.)

(Duke scoots up and kisses Kai's cheek and whispers thank you for being there last night. He then makes his way to his bathroom to shower,brush his teeth and wash his face, as he comes back in the room he sees Kai is still sleeping and doesn't bother him so he goes to make breakfast for everyone.)

Chris(walks in the kitchen)~ Hey duke, you feeling alright man?

Duke~Yea I just needed a few hours away from everyone the situation was so bad.

Chris~I get it. She was dead ass wrong for doing you like that.

(Fanum and Agent walk in)

Fanum~My boyyyy how you feeling?

Agent~wassup Duke, hey Chris. You alright?

Duke~yurr,I'm feeling alright. I just don't understand what I did for her to do some shit like that.

Fanum~ Yea that was fucked up.

(Agent chimes in and says yea.)

Fanum~But remember you can't blame yourself for her actions,like last night how she had(Fanum caught himself before he spoke about last nights altercation)... never mind.

Duke~What happened last night?

Fanum~Nothing bro just forget about it.

(As Kai wakes up smiling he sees a note from duke.

(Kai makes his way downstairs as he hears Duke questioning Fanum about what happened after he fell asleep.)

Kai~What's wrong Dukey?

Duke (smiles at the nickname)~ I was just asking Fanum about what happened after I fell asleep.

Kai~What you mean nothing happened after you went to sleep(Kai nervously said.)

(Duke walks over to Kai as Fanum runs out of the kitchen with a plate of breakfast laughing with agent and Chris following behind him.)

(Duke lifts Kai's chin making him stare at Duke not daring to break eye contact.)

Duke~Why you lying to me ma?

Kai~I'm not(his voice gets high pitched when he lies.)

Duke~Imma ASK AGAIN(in a stern tone) what happened last night while I was sleep ma?

Kai~ It was around 1AM when I went downstairs stairs and I heard banging on the door and I'm like who the fuck is this. So I go to answer the door and it's  Shayla with some nigga called Ty and she starts asking me "is duke awake?" So I tell her no and she was like I need to explain myself and I told her it's nothing to explain when the proof  was everything we all seen and she got mad and started yelling that's when the  nigga held her back and was like "stop cus you hit him and he hit you back  Imma hurt his lil ass." So I'm like " Hit me nigga on everything imma fuck y'all up. So as he right in my face while I'm yelling he swings in me and misses(Kai says laughing.) but while I'm beating his ass Shayla pulls a knife out and tried to stab me in my side but Fanum smacked it out of her hand and she helped him up only to see him with a black eye and a KNOT (Kai says laughing.)

Kai~But yea after that I asked her why she did what she did,I asked her did she think you deserved it and I asked did she even love you and she started screaming at us again denying everything and tried to hit me again and Fanum just shut the door  in her face after that(Kai says looking away.)

Duke(Laughing at  kai giving someone a cartoon ass knot on they head.) ~ I'm  not mad that you two didn't saying anything I'm mad at the fact she thought if I was up I would waste my time talking to her. And I'm glad you  okay cus I would hate to have to buss her windows in because she stabbed you. And I'm glad you defended me the way you did(Duke says as he grabs Kai by the throat making him look at duke.) And when we talking look at me ma not the floor(Kai blushes at the nickname again.)

Duke~I want to give us a chance,I've always liked you but it felt like you distanced yourself after Shayla came in the picture. But now that she is out I want to take things slow with you(Duke pulls Kai by his throat into a kiss.)

Kai~We can take this as slow as you want to(Kai smiles at the taller man.)



Thoughts on Duke and Kai taking it slow.

Their nicknames are so cute🥹!

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