How he reacts to you singing/playing his instrument

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John - He would hear you playing his guitar silently in the house and would stay by the door to hear you play. He smiles when he hears you starting to sing one of his songs. He comes in and says, "I love hearing you play... you'll never get as good as me... you'll be even better than me". He reads while you learn and when you get stuck he helps you out and gets one of his other guitars to talk you through it. He also helps you play Piano and harmonica but sometimes you both just have a jam session. He records whenever you both practice so he can look back on those good times.

Paul - He's in the studio and looks through the window of the controls room and sees you picking up his bass and he smiles. He takes a seat and watches you (even though they were late on the schedule)but he's the 'Cute Beatle' so he gets away with everything. He ends up giving you some sheet music and guides your hands. He's very happy that your excited to play and its something you have in common. You didn't know he was watching so whenever you both hang out he gets his bass out and asks you if you'd want lessons from him and you both enjoy it together. He sings along with you to some of his favourite songs.

George - You come over for tea and some gossip and he leaves you alone for a couple minutes and when he comes back he sees you with his guitar 'Rocky' and he smiles "Did you know I decorated that myself? I wanted to have my own make of guitar that was unique to me and me only?" he smiles and he sits next to you "I can help you learn and you can come into the studio to see me play and I can also help you there and maybe we can record some stuff together and some silly little love songs that Paul always does?" He smiles and whenever you come round he drops everything to help you. He makes tea and grabs some snacks for you both.

Ringo- You come over while he's practicing on how to play for one of their newest songs. You tap on one of the toms to get his attention and he looks at you "You know no body touches my drums" he looks angry but then his face changes into a sweet loving look "but you are not a no body you are my love.. I could teach you if you wanted to" he smiles "Come take a seat" he says and he pats his lap. You move onto his lap and you take the drumsticks and he has his hands overlapping yours. He does a beginners beat and goes slow with you.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2023 ⏰

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