6 - Birthday

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It had been a couple days since Ms. Cruz had yelled at her. The last two detentions were very awkward and uncomfortable to say the least. Summer had wanted to try and apologize for what happened, but the mere unwavering coldness of the woman's presence had caused Summer to decide against it.

Summer was lying on her bed, staring up at the ceiling as Ginny was trying to convince her to get up and go out with her and Laura.

"Summer, this isn't up for discussion. It's Friday night and tomorrow's your literal birthday. You're turning 18! You can't sit around moping about whatever you've been moping about since Wednesday" Ginny argued, a very bossy tone in her voice.

"I haven't been moping" Summer replied, a little defensively.

"Okay whatever you say. I started talking about your favorite tv show yesterday at lunch and you would just respond with some grunts or a word or two. Usually I'd be hearing a monologue. So really, going out will be good for you" she answered firmly, Summer could feel Ginny's sharp gaze burning a hole in the side of her head.

"Where would we even go? It's not like there's anything fun to do in Clearview" Summer responded.

"There's a club about 30 minutes from here, we could Uber there and back" she answered without hesitation, clearly already having a set plan in mind.

"Me and Laura are 18 and you're 17, how the hell would we get into a club where you have to be 21?" Summer asked, skepticism evident in her voice.

"You think I didn't get us fakes? Don't ask how I got them, just be grateful I did" Ginny splayed out the three fake IDs triumphantly, hands resting on her hips.

"No way" Laura finally entered the conversation, seeming to be in the middle of texting, Summer assumed it was Sean.

"Yes way. Laura, you have a dress, I told you to bring one, and Summer, we're at your house so you should be covered. I got you, everything is planned out, just follow my lead" a wide smirk spread across Ginny's face, very proud of her efforts.


About an hour and a half later, they were squished in the back of an Uber, makeup on, hair done, and ready to party! Or at least that's what Ginny had said before they got in the car.

Summer had managed to convince her parents they were having a small formal get together at Alice's for her birthday, and then a sleepover afterwards. They still didn't know about what happened between her and Alice, and she was planning on keeping it that way for the time being.

After a torturous car ride of Ginny screaming in excitement and Laura yelling at her to be quiet, they made it to the club, and Summer would be lying if she said she wasn't a little nervous about these fake IDs. Ginny had specifically said: "ask no questions" so she didn't.

The bouncer studied the fake IDs closely, eventually giving a reluctant nod and letting the three girls pass.

"Hell fucking yeah! I'm the best!" Ginny shouted, but it was so loud in there that only the people close to them could hear.

"Oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUMMER!!" She yelled, Laura joining in as well.

"This is going to be the best night of your life, how does it feel to officially be an adult?" Ginny asked, smiling as she wrapped her arm around Summer's shoulder.

"It feels kind of the same" Summer answered honestly.

"Well we're going to change that" Laura replied, steering Summer and Ginny in the direction of the bar.

"Hey, me and Summer will grab drinks, you find a table" Ginny said, turning to Laura who nodded and said she wanted as many shots as they could carry.

"Coming right up!" Ginny squealed excitedly, leading Summer to the bar, "don't be nervous okay? They can tell" Ginny explained, giving Summer a serious look.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2023 ⏰

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