Chapter 8: The Wedding Eve.

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Finally, the next chapter is here at last😁




I know I'd been here before, but the ravens estate was just too big, too wide, too enormous, too extravagant, did I mention too big? Ok!

It had been two weeks since I returned to Changi, meaning two weeks since I knew Aella and started befriending her, or at least she thought we were friends. I had an enormous hate for her kind but I was willing to go through the faking, to care for her, so I could get whatever information I could, even possibly become a part of the family. 

I mean keep your friends close, your enemies closer.

It was D day today, the wedding eve, meaning bachelorette night. Meaning lots of alcohol throwing up and crying your eyes out, except I won't cry so… 

The best wedding planners had been hired to plan this big, and I mean big wedding within just two weeks, the package also included the bachelorette's party. 

And that's why I was in front of the raven mansion. I was supposed to pick the bride up. I promised the wedding planner I would get her to the party safe and sober. The girls were already at the yacht waiting. 

Aella made it clear she didn't want the media or anyone in particular to know the location of the party. It was strictly the bridesmaids, a decision which her mom stood against so many times. But Aella was a a tough one, she didn't give a damn the number of cries that came from her close ones and the media who both wanted everyone to be a part of the affair. 

Hailey in particular (I had learned that was the name of the former maid of honor) tried sneaking into one of our meetings to get a glimpse on who I was, I wasn't comfortable that she was curious but Aella immediately blocked her off based on her own rage. 

During the wedding rehearsal, one groomsman was hell bent on taking a selfie with me but Starfire came to my rescue having the ridiculous mindset that she was supposed to be the centre of attention. I don't mean to be proud or anything but I have to ask, did she miss me? I am damn hot and its unmissable, not to mention unforgettable. 

I tried navigating with the enormous map to where the maid said Aella would be.

There she was, "What are you doing? We are running late!" I found her in a pool sipping a drink from a glass.

When she remained quiet, I noticed something was wrong.

"Why the gloomy face?" I asked.

"How am I supposed to go for a bachelorette's party without sipping a single wine?" she replied.

"Are you sad about your condition Aella?" I sat with my feet in the water after taking off my shoes.

"No I want my baby. I love my baby. It's just, just I wished I wasn't getting married now simply because I'm pregnant" Aella lamented.

Now I was confused, didn't she want this marriage?

"Aella, I thought you loved Declan" I expressed.

I took her glass from her, I couldn't have her full to the point she wouldn't be able to drink anything at the party.

"I love him" she said but I noticed a tone of bitterness. "That's probably my greatest weakness" she revealed to me yet another secret that I shouldn't have known.

"He's the one who doesn't love me as much Valkyrie. I was the one who pushed this marriage. I know he wanted me to get pregnant but he never wanted marriage, he didn't love me enough to want to be my husband,"

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