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Dev's POV : 

I poured some whiskey into the plastic cup, and then filled it with some coke. I brought the cup to my lips, to taste my drink and-

Wow. I wanted to weep with happiness. 

This is exactly what I needed after an exhausting week. College was eating up all my energy this week, with mid-sem tests and I was finally done. Not only that, the society that I was enrolled in didn't even fucking care that I had tests going on and demanded I pay attention to the piling work. I've had enough. I just wanted to have some fun and this was the perfect occasion. 

I know, underage drinking and all, since most of us students here were 19 to 20 years old. But hey, this was a house party, and we were students living in the north campus, University of Delhi. 

According to me, alcohol needed us more, than we needed it. But hey, to each their own. Like the host of this party, Sasha. She was the girlfriend of our friend Aditya. And she recently shifted to this flat. She has asked Adi, to invite his own friends, and when he told me 'You can come if you want', I very discreetly told him 'Hell yeah, I will lay my own life to attend this party'. 

Coming back to Sasha, she was not a drinker. So, I was doubting if I'd find any liquor, but I was surprised to see the counter of the kitchen was stacked with vodka, whiskey and Gin. 

I could doubt Sasha. But how could I ever doubt my friend. He knew exactly what we needed. 

"I love you man" I told Aditya,  who was also making a drink beside me. 

"Why ?" he asked with a confused frown. 

"I just do. I felt like telling you tonight." 

He pursed his lips, sympathy clear in his eyes. "Dev, I'm sorry dude. I didn't know. You know I love Sasha, and I'm straight, but we could find a-" 

I stopped him before he could continue. I mocked a gasp before pushing his shoulder jokingly. "You are straight ? Then why did you lead me on all this time ?" I shouted. 

He stared at me wide-eyed, and then I grinned. He shook his head. 

"I hope you don't get to get laid tonight" he says scowling.

Bobbing my head with the music, I laugh. "Wasn't planning to." 

"Really ? Because-" he stopped hearing the squeal of his girlfriend. A very high pitched 'Finally !!!' could be heard, and we both turned our heads to look at the front door, from where two girls entered. 

Two really pretty girls. 

"Finally, they are here" Adi says 

"Who are they ?" I ask him. I couldn't get a really good look at the two girls from here, but it feels like I've seen them before. 

One is in a black dress, and the other one is in a red one. And shit man, she steps back after giving Sasha a hug, and flips her hair back, from one shoulder. Her collar bone, highlights under the neon red light of the living room, and I lick my dry lips. 

Fuck, she's hot. 

They both are. 

But there's something about the  red dress girl, that forces my attention on her. 

They walk further inside the flat. Enough so their faces are clear to me. 

"That's Khushi and Aashi. Both from Miranda." 

"What's the name of the girl in the red dress?" I ask him 


Aashi. Nice. 

Just One TimeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora