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I crossed my arms as I walked through the busy, and dirty streets of the north campus. The area we lived in was called Kamla Nagar. A part of the north campus. Although, never to this day, have I been able to figure out, why was it called a campus, since there were so many different colleges, and it wasn't even actually an enclosed campus property. Seriously, big government officials and their brains. 

I guess the colleges were built so nearby in north delhi, that they decided it'll be called the north campus. And all the colleges belonging to the campus would be considered elite. Not like other colleges weren't good. Other colleges in South Delhi were just as good, such as Lady Sri Ram, and others. 

But one would have to agree that north campus had it's vibe. 

And I wasn't feeling that vibe as the sun burned down on me during my walk to the grocery store, because I was assigned the job to buy essentials since both my friends were equally hungover. It was late february, and if the sun was so strong already I don't know what would happen in the summers. 

Last night's party went pretty wild. Khushi, Sasha and me, the three of us got pretty wasted. I even threw up at one point. I always knew my system wasn't the one made for alcohol, so I never allowed myself more than my capacity. But last night was different. Last night, I needed it. And it was fun. Until my stomach churned, and I had to run to the washroom. I was pretty sure it was the whiskey I that I had gulped in the start. And I don't even wanna think about the little encounter I had with someone after I was done puking. 

But still, I wasn't drunk to the point to pass out. And throwing up had actually made me feel better. Khushi and Sasha though ? Let's just say if you're drunk enough to shout at everyone in the party that you don't wanna go home, and that you want to feel loved, you understand you've had enough. At least I understood Khushi have had enough. And then I saw Sasha and Aditya about to get down and dirty in the kitchen. They both have had enough too. I needed help to convince them though, and luckily Karan and his flat mate and friend Dev were still there. 

Now, Dev. 

He was another presence in the party, whom I didn't want to think about. At all. Nope. Not going there. 

And he was the one, who'd seen me puking in the bathroom. And let's just say what happened after that annoyed me to the point, that if I wanted to be annoyed enough to lash out at someone, I'd just have to think about that encounter. 

When I got up from the floor to wash my mouth and face, I saw him standing at the entryway of the bathroom, his nose scrunched up. I had looked at him silently and he had asked me if he should call my boyfriend. He must have seen the confused look on my face, cuz he had taken Karan's name to clarify. As if seeing Karan there wasn't bad enough. Dev was clearly poking fun at me. There was no way he didn't know that me and his flat mate have stopped seeing each other. You saw a drunk girl in the washroom struggling and you make fun of her ? Yep, he was now on my list of people who were unnecessarily assholes. 

Although it would've been much easier if he wasn't so charming and good looking and tall. But then again, I wasn't sober last night. And according to drunk Aashi, even monkeys are charming. And good looking. And cockroaches are little baby girls. 

And to think about I've said the exact same thing to Dev in that bathroom. There was a little cockroach. He had pointed it out, probably thinking that I'd scream and jump after seeing one. But I had just turned to him and told him that this cockroach is a little babygirl. He had looked at me, like I was insane and shouldn't probably be left out in the open. Or I might be possessed, since he had cleared his throat, and walked away. 

But no, the embarrassment and annoyance that I had felt weren't enough. Because apparently Dev wasn't done annoying me, and I wasn't done embarrassing myself. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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