The Ex

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Lucy and Tim where in Lucy's bed watching a movie and Tamara was studying in her room.

Lucy was half asleep on Tim's chest when there was a knock at the door. Since Tim was watching the movie and Lucy was practically asleep even though it's only 5 pm they didn't here it. However Tamara did so she opened the door to an unfamiliar face.

"Hi sorry I'm looking for Lucy Chen is this the right apartment?" Questioned the unfamiliar face.
" it is but can I asked who you are?" Tam asked confused on why they knew where Lucy lived.
" oh yes of course I'm Rachel I'm Lucy's best friend" replied Rachel
"Ah yes ok she's just in her room I'll go and get her now. Do you wanna set inside." Tamara said
"Yes thank you- wait sorry I didn't catch your name." Rachel stated
"Oh ye ofc how rude of me I'm Tamara ok right I'll go and get Lucy now one sec." Tamara said whilst running to Lucy's room.

Tamara knocks on the door of Lucy bedroom then walks in and closes it. "Hey Lucy." Said tam
"Mhm" Lucy mumbled
"Someone called Rachel is asking for the one and only Lucy Chen" Tamara said quickly .
"What wait who?" Lucy replied confused bc she only understood half of what Tamara had just said.
"Rachel!" Tamara replied slower this time so Lucy could understand. Lucy's head shot up which had woke up Tim who was originally asleep.
"WHY!" Lucy shouted.
"I dunno and be quiets she's in the next room."Tamara whispered.
"Who?" Tim asked obviously late to the conversation.
"Rachel" Lucy whispered to Tim. Tim's eyes widened
"Okay.. who is she and why are u guys like ahh about her." Tam a,see confused in why there where so shocked. "It's my ex" Tim replied
"And my bsf" Lucy added on. Tamara now had a oh damn look on her face. "Yeah" Lucy said.
"Hey how long will she be Tamara" Rachel shouted from the other room.
"You go out and I'll get changed,Tim stay here and don't make a noise." Lucy instructed. Tamara leaves and Lucy and Tim get changed. " sorry she's just getting changed now, you know Lucy she can be so lazy sometimes."Tamara said to Rachel who was now on the couch.
" No that's fine and yes I do know how lazy Lucy can be sometimes." Rachel laughed.

*5 minutes later*
Lucy walked out of her room and closed the door. TIGHTLY!
"LUCY!" Rachel screamed whilst running up to her.
"Rach ur back." Lucy replied whilst in a hug with he bsf.
"Ye but why don't we catch up over some drinks."
"Uhm yes! But I'll get changed first." Lucy said with a plan. Lucy runs to her room to get changed, she told Tim "whilst I'm out you'll leave." " where are u going?" Tim asked Lucy who was now doing her makeup at her vanity . "For drinks but then Rach will wanna sleep so you can't be here when we get back, ok." Lucy replied and asked Tim . Tim replied by nodding his head. " okay I gotta go. Goodbye kiss?"Lucy said to Tim. Tim laughed and kissed Lucy. "Ok bye i love you." Lucy said to him whilst rushing out. "I love you too." He replied with a huge smile on his face.

" who were you talking too I heard mumbling?" Rachel questioned suspiciously.
*so nosey Lucy thought* "oh just my dad" Lucy lied .
"Ok let's get this show on the road" Rachel said whilst running out the door.
"Wish me luck and message me when Tim leaves" Lucy said to Tamara walking through the door.
" good luck and don't worry I will byyyyeee." Tamara laughed.

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