Chapter four

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Chapter four

"Wake up." I hear

Waters thrown on my face and sit up in my cell as I cough.

"Leave me alone." I spat

"You have work to do." He says

"I told you no. I'd rather die." I growled

"Guards!" He yells out

"I've had enough." I screamed

My eyes turned blue and I launched him across the room hardly.

"Don't touch me." I glared

The guards came in and I snapped their necks as I ran out.

I made it to this random street and saw a young woman walking.

"Miss." I said running

"Are you okay?" She asked me

"Where am I?" I asked

"16 Williams drive." She says

"Where's the avengers tower from here?" I said

"About 40 minutes that way." She points

"Thanks." I said running off

I knew I couldn't stop now so I kept running and running.

I was so close to the avengers compound when an arm grabbed me.

I went to use my powers but I turned to see that it was Steve.

"Steve." I sobbed

"How?" He said shocked

"Hydra." I hugged him

"Kid. We thought you were dead." He says

"Well I'm not. I'm here." I whispered

I pulled away from him and he smiled as he kissed my head.

"Thank god." He smiles

"Come inside." He rushes me

We walk inside the gates and inside the compound as I see him.

"Dad." I said running for him

"Is that you Lucy?" He asked

"It's me." I nodded

"Omg kid." He hugged me

"I'm so sorry." He tells me

"No. I am." I smiled

"I love you so much kid." He told me

"I love you too." I cried in his arms

"Where's Bucky?" I asked

"Not here." Steve says

"Then where?" I asked him

"His therapy." He tells me

"What about Nat and Wanda?" I asked

"Training room." Steve says

"I need to go see them." I ran

I run into the training room to see nat sat down on the bench.

"Nat." I screamed out

"Lucy?" She looks up

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