Chapter five

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Chapter five

"Okay dad." I said softly

"I agree doll." Bucky says

"Fine. I'll stay here." I sighed

"Thank you." They said

"Nat, Wanda, thor, you take the left side." Dad says

"Sam and bucky take the right." He goes on

"And the rest of us take the front." He says

"Okay." They all agreed

"Let's move out." My dad says sternly

"Stay here please." Dad kissed my head

"I will. I'll watch a movie with Morgan." I nod

"Be safe." I kissed Bucky

"I will." He smiled

They left and I sit down to watch a movie with my mom and sister.

"I'm so glad you're safe." Mom kissed my head

"Thanks mom." I smiled

I kissed Morgan's head as she giggles and smiles at me.

"I love you kiddo." I tell her

"I love you." She smiles

It had been a few hours and I was slightly feeling worried.

"We're back." Steve calls out

"Thank god." I said running over

"Luce." He says softly

"Where's Bucky?" I smiled

"Lucy." He says again

"Where is he?" I smiled at him

"He's not here." He says

"Is he on the jet?" I asked him

"No. No he's not on the jet." He sighs

"Where is he Steve?" I said

"Steve tell her." My dad says

"They took him." He says softly

"No. We have to go get him." I went to run

"No!" Dad grabs me

"Dad please." I pleaded

"We need to go save him before he's not bucky and he's the winter soldier." I sobbed

"Kid. He's already gone." Dad says

"No." I said falling to my knees

"I just got him back." I cried out

"He can't be gone." I sob

"I'm so sorry." He hugged me

I clung onto my dad as tears streamed down onto my cheek.

"No. I'm going to find him." I said getting up

I rushed out of the compound and I headed for the hydra base.

"This is stupid." I hear

I turned and I saw Steve standing behind me as I ignored him.

"I have to get him." I said

"Not like this." He goes on

"You either help me or go." I said angrily

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