Treat you better

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Pairing: Katie McCabe x reader
Warnings: fluff, swearing
Summary: Katie is always getting under your skin, you finally get her back.
Word count: 800

Training today had been exhausting and really took it out of you. As you and Leah walk to the change rooms, you feel someone run up behind you and wrap their arms around you. You jump and scream, trying to get away until you hear;

'Calm down y/l/n, it's just me.' Katie says with a smirk.

You turn and face her with an unimpressed look on your face.

'Katie stop fucking doing that. You give me a heart attack every time.' You whine

'But it's so so funny to see you freak out.' Katie laughs, Leah joining her.

You turn to look at your best friend.

'Really? Rude!' You yell.

Leah simply shrugs at you before continuing walking to the change rooms, you and Katie following closely behind.

'You know, you looked really hot out there. Gotta say, watching you run around and just dominate. Very attractive' The Irish woman states from beside you.

She always does that, makes comments like that to get under your skin, get a rise out of you. It always works. You always end up a blushing, shy mess despite trying your best to keep your composure. She just does something to you, it's hard to explain.

You don't make eye contact with her as you continue walking, you hear Leah let out a giggle in front of you and as you arrive at the change rooms, a loud bang is followed by a loud;

'Shut it Leah!' from you, confusing the rest of the team in the change room.

As the three of you walk in, all eyes are on you, making your scowl disappear as you walk straight over to your locker and sit down. A quick moment of eye contact with everyone has them averting their gaze and focusing on what they're doing.

'So y/n, you free tonight?' Katie asks with a smile.

'Nope, got a hot date' You reply quickly.

All eyes are back on you. You never go out, maybe to a team bonding night once a week but you rarely go anywhere to anyone else's knowledge.

'Oh yeah? what a lucky lady' Katie says with a wink.

'Whatever McCabe' you mumble paired with an eye roll before looking at the ground, a small smile taking over your face.

You and Katie had been dating for 6 months, yet no one on the team knew, not even Leah. You felt bad for lying to your best friend but you wanted to get to know Katie on your own before making a big deal out of your relationship. But her nonstop comments and flirting makes you feel giddy and so in love. You try your best to hide it from the rest of the team but it's getting harder.

'You're going on a date!?' Leah asks from your left.

'Yes I am. Is that really surprising? Jeez thanks guys' you mumble with a laugh.

'Yeah! It is! You never go anywhere, must be one special gal' Caitlin pipes up from across the room and her and Steph share a look.

'Nah, she's okay' you say nonchalantly, watching Katie out of the corner of your eye.

You watch her roll her eyes before she quickly says,

'I could treat you better' with a cocky smirk as she makes eye contact with you, arms resting on her knees, showing off her muscular arms. The sight has you starstruck. You can't help but admire her beauty and body. Damn were you lucky. A quick blush takes over your face before you focus on packing your bag. You don't respond and watch as everyone laughs at Katie's confidence. You both talked about telling the team last night, you just didn't expect her to be so bold with it and she definitely wasn't expecting you to say;

'Well, considering it's you taking me out, i'm not sure it works like that, love' you say with a proud smile on your face.

You watch with amusement as Katie is now the one blushing and stuttering. The team around you erupts with questions and shocked looks.

'You two are dating??' Leah nearly screams.

You just laugh before walking over to Katie, pulling her in for a quick kiss before walking out of the room.

'What the actual fuck just happened' Steph says as the room explodes with questions directed at Katie. You continue down the hall with a smile on your face followed by a;

'Y/n you little shit' as Katie leaves the room as quick as she can and catches up to you.

At least the team knows now.


an: i apologise for the wait, i've been sick and had no motivation but im working through the requests. hope you enjoy :) x

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2023 ⏰

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