Conflicting Feelings

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The school day had come to an end, and Y/N found herself lost in thought as she walked home. Her interactions with Han Seojun were becoming more perplexing with each passing day. One moment he was distant and cold, the next he seemed almost approachable. It was as if he had a dual personality, and Y/N couldn't quite decipher which version was the real him.

As she entered her room and dropped her bag onto the bed, her mind kept returning to the image of Seojun. His piercing gaze, that hint of vulnerability she had caught a glimpse of, all of it played on a loop in her mind. She felt an inexplicable pull towards him, a yearning to unravel the mystery he seemed to be.

With a sigh, she plopped down on her chair, pulling out her phone. Scrolling through her social media feed, she came across a picture of Seojun. He was tagged in a group photo, his arm casually draped around a girl – Lim Jukyung. The smile on his face was different, something softer than she had seen before. Y/N's heart sank a little, and she quickly looked away from the image.

"Seojun and Jukyung, huh?" she murmured to herself. It wasn't jealousy she was feeling – it was a strange mix of disappointment and confusion. She had just started to open up to the idea of a friendship with Seojun, and now it seemed like he had eyes for someone else.

Pushing her phone aside, she leaned back in her chair, staring up at the ceiling. She couldn't deny the attraction she felt towards him, and that kiss – that impulsive, stolen moment – had only heightened her emotions. Yet, she didn't want to be caught in a one-sided affection. She deserved someone who saw her for who she was, not as a convenient distraction.

Her phone buzzed, pulling her out of her thoughts. It was a message from Suho.**Suho:** Hey, are you free this weekend? There's an art exhibit downtown that I thought you might like.Y/N smiled at the message. Suho had been a constant source of comfort, a friend who had stood by her side when she needed it the most. She quickly typed out a reply.**Y/N:** Sounds great! I'd love to go.

As she hit send, her phone buzzed again.**Seojun:** (Text) Hey, we're all meeting up for a study session tomorrow at the library. You in?Y/N stared at the message, her heart doing a little flip. It seemed like Seojun was making an effort to include her, but was it genuine or just a way to pass the time? She felt torn between her desire to spend time with him and her uncertainty about his intentions.With a sigh, she decided to reply.**Y/N:** (Text) Sure, I'll be there.

The evening sun cast a warm glow through her window as she sat there, contemplating the choices she was making. Should she continue to invest her emotions in someone who seemed so unpredictable? Or should she give Suho a chance, someone who had consistently shown her kindness and understanding?

The next day, Y/N found herself at the library, surrounded by the hum of students studying. Seojun was already there, engrossed in a textbook. As she approached him, he looked up and offered her a small smile.

"Hey," he greeted."Hi," she replied, feeling a mixture of nervousness and excitement.As they settled into studying, Y/N couldn't shake the feeling that Seojun was behaving differently. He seemed more at ease, more willing to engage in conversation that extended beyond their studies. They laughed about some shared inside jokes, and Y/N felt herself relaxing in his presence.

The study session continued, and Y/N's heart did a little dance every time Seojun's knee brushed against hers. She caught herself stealing glances at him, noting the way his hair fell over his forehead as he concentrated.

As the day turned into evening, Y/N found herself drawn into a conversation with Seojun about their favorite movies. They shared recommendations and debated about the best genres. It was a simple interaction, but it felt genuine and effortless.Later, as they packed up to leave, Seojun turned to her with a genuine smile. "You know, I actually had fun today."

Y/N blinked in surprise, a soft smile forming on her lips. "Yeah, me too."They walked out of the library together, the awkward tension from their previous interactions noticeably absent. Y/N realized that beneath Seojun's tough exterior, there was someone who could be kind and engaging – someone she was growing more fond of with each passing moment.As they parted ways, Seojun's gaze lingered a moment longer. Y/N felt her heart race, a mixture of excitement and uncertainty swirling within her. She knew that the path ahead wouldn't be easy – her heart still carried the weight of her conflicting emotions – but in that moment, she felt a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, there was something worth exploring between them.

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