Hyung i need you !

420 25 12

meanwhile in the basement 

jimin : ahh... what time is it right now ? HUH ? its already 10 and i am still here *tried to stand up but fell down almost immediately due to the immense amount of pain he felt in his legs*

jimin : AHHH ... can't stand ( breathing heavily ) help me hyung please ............

jimin : no jimin you can't loose your hope you just can't get up !!!!

jimin somehow managed to stand and then was practicing to walk properly because he doesn't want his hyung to go through any of the pain he himself is going through after 10 mins of practice he felt that he can approach his hyung so that he doesn't understand anything about what literally had happened to him .......... but his legs were literally burning so sort of thought to google the amount of painkiller he should take so that he doesn't feel any pain as long as he get punishment from taehyung too because he knew he will get it  ,..... he walked up to a medical shop and then ....

 he walked up to a medical shop and then

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jimin : hello ? anyone there ?

The pharmacist : yes sir do you need any help from me ?

jimin : yeah can i get a xxx dose of painkiller ?

The pharmacist : yes sir sure please give me your prescription !!

jimin : ummm.. well actually i don't have one but my head is paining a lot so can you please give it to me without the prescription ?

The pharmacist: sorry sir we can't because first of all you are underage and these type of drugs might be harmful for your body .. but we can help you with that we have a doctor over here you can just walk over to him and get a Check up over here and if he prescribes u any sort of painkiller we will give you

jimin : umm ...... ok please take me to him 

The pharmacist: yes sir sure please take a seat ...

doctor : KIM JIMIN ??

jimin : yes sir it's me !! 

doctor : please come over here .. and tell me the problem you are facing so i can help you 

jimin : sir actually ... there are some bullies in my school and they had beaten me up so i am feeling a lot of pain can you please give me some painkillers ?

doctor : oh!! that's not good please lie down over here and let me have a thorough Check of your body  

jimin : sure sir !

Just after jimin lift up his pants a bit so that the doctor could look into it the doctor screamed in horror 


jimin : calm down sir i have already informed about this to my brother and he has already gone for the police station to file up a case against this matter !!

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