Elliot Ilves

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Kiss her you fool.

Can I kiss her and not die? Actually, I'm fine with dying for this kiss.

"Fuck it."

I don't register myself saying the words. The only thing I know is that I'm now kissing Mia, and she's kissing me back, it's short and sweet, just like her. It doesn't last long but it's still like a breath of fresh air.

"Elliot?" she whispers when we break apart


In a flash, her lips are on mine again. I tighten my hands around her waist, pressing her harder against my chest. She tastes like strawberries and sweetness thats making my head swim.

Every part of me wants to wrap around her, to make this a special kiss, make every contact point one she'd crave, because this feeling is like bliss, and I'm quickly becoming an addict and I don't want to be the only one. A few weeks ago I would have been able to resist her. Stepping back wouldn't be as hard, but now I can't do it. Not this time. I'm not that strong.

Her hands are in my hair, pulling me even closer as she explores as I lift her off her feet.

I set her down after an eternity and we break apart again. Panting with my pulse pounding in my veins, I look into her eyes. She looks back into mine, shell-shocked like we've just dropped a bomb on the world.

"Holy shit." she mumbles, pretty much summing the experience up for the both of us.

Because holy shit.

I leave Mia at her front door, it's still raining and I don't leave until I kiss her one last time at her door. I smile all the way home, I know I'm driving but I'm floating on the inside, I think the last time I was this happy was when I won my first race in FRECA, that's still not comparable to this.

I get home late, it's well past midnight right now, I should probably go to sleep but I know for a fact that I won't be able to. All the excitement from tonight is far from getting to me and I know that Guillaume is going to be super pissed at me if I wake him up right now, and I'll be suffering his wrath later on in the gym. 

But there's something I need to do. And I'm not going to let it go on in limbo for a minute more.

I know exactly what I want.

I grab my phone from my pocket and dial the number.


I spend more time with Mia than without her over the week. If I'm not at Aiello training or studying I'm at her house, watching movies, baking or playing games all afternoon. I'm at the apartment so rarely that even Alessandro notices, which is honestly the most surprising thing in all of this, apart maybe from the fact that for the first time in my life it feels like I have everything in control. 

"Elliot?" says my mother's voice over the phone, "What did you want to tell me?"

I made a huge decision about my life that will affect all of us without consulting you.

I definitely need to rephrase that.

"Well....just, just wanted to tell you that.....I know what I want to do next year. That's what I wanted to tell you."

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