ch 4: The Bloody Kitsune

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Febuary 22, 2024 Floor 29: Castle of the cursed
Naruto left the old castle with a small group of players wearing red, black, and blue armor. They were a part of the police guild that had been made to help the people trapped in Aincrad from the red guilds that were killing players. A woman in the red and blue armor approached him from the other side of the castle. She stood in front of him and saluted him even though he wasn't a member of the guild. "Sir, the rest of the members in the castle surrendered and were sent to prison. No laughing coffin, just the Silent Rams. It looks like the info we got wasn't completely correct." She huffed and looked upset since she was the one that got the information. Naruto patted her head and said sweetly. "Your information helped okay Usagi-chan? Don't get ruffled up over it not being completely accurate. Don't worry about it. Just be glad that we got more members of Titan's hand and most of Silent Ram." Usagi blushed at the headpat before saying. "We do have one member that's willing to talk. He's over there." Naruto nodded his head as they walked to where the Titan's Hand member was being held.

Febuary 23, 2024 Floor 35: Lost Forest

Naruto watched from the trees as the person he was hunting was arguing with a small girl with her hair in pigtails that her dragon could heal her so why should she have healing crystals. Naruto rolled his eyes as he finished his dango and chewed on the stick. 'This is that bitch I almost caught a few weeks ago. I should message one of the high-ranking members of Polita I've got a lead.' He then noticed the short girl ran off by herself. 'Fuck! I can't let the target get away, but I'm not gonna let that girl die either, this forest is difficult at night by yourself.' Naruto jumped from one branch to the next to follow after the girl. Once he caught up with her she was surrounded by drunken apes and they were enraged. Naruto saw the girl reach into her pouch for healing crystals just as the ape hit her and she flew into a tree. Naruto jumped once more and was about to jump down and kill the ape when the girl Silica's dragon took the hit for her. "PINA!!!!" she shouted as Naruto jumped down and took care of the rest of the apes. "Shit, sorry I thought I could move faster. Are you okay?" Naruto asked as he slipped his blade back into the straps on his back. Silica cried out and backed away shouting. "Please don't kill me fox monster!" Naruto rolled his eyes and took the mask off before helping her to her feet. She turned and leaned down. "Pina.... Don't leave me all alone here..." Naruto noticed the feather and said. "That feather should have an item name attached to it. If it does then we may be able to revive your friend." Silica tapped the feather and a screen came up with the words, Pina's Heart. Silica started to cry again and Naruto patted her on the back gently. "Hey, it's okay! That means we can revive Pina. On the south side of floor 47, there's a field dungeon called the hill of memories. There's a rumor that the flower at the top can revive familiars." Silicia sighed as she said the floor number. "Floor 47 huh?" Naruto stood up and opened his menu up and looked at his inventory before opening a trade menu. "Here, this armor is better than what you have as is this dagger, it's called Sting. It has a special ability. It glows blue when there's dark monsters around. Orcs, goblins, ogres and trolls mostly along with demons and undead. The blouse, skirt and boots give a dex and speed boost." Silica accepted the trade as she said. "Why would you give me this? We both know I won't survive getting to the flower let alone even getting to the dungeon by myself." Naruto smiled and said. "I never said you'd be alone. If you're with me you'll level up faster. Hopefully it will be enough to get you to the point you never have to rely on others again." Silica smiled and said. "GREAT! Give me a month then and I can raise my levels to-" Naruto cut her off and said. "We've got three days until that item, Pina's heart disappears forever. We've only got three days to revive your friend. But don't worry, you'll be stronger and tougher after I train you!" Naruto laughed at the end and Silica sweat dropped not realizing the hell she would be going through. "Thank you so much! My name is Silica what's yours?" The redhead smiled warmly and said. "It's a pleasure to meet you Silica, my name is Naruto. Now let's get going!" Silica looked up at him and said. "Why would you do all this for me?" Naruto turned to her and said with a warm loving smile. "Because, I made a promise. If I could do something about it, I'd never let another person in the death trap suffer. I'm gonna get us out of this game." He then sent her a party invite before the left to get to floor 47.
They'd made it to the town on floor 35 and began to walk through town as Naruto sent off a few messages to his contacts and getting updates on Titan's hand. He then heard voices call out to Silica. "Hey look! It's Silica." Two guys that were with Silica before came up to them and said to the brunette. "It took you a long time to get back, we were getting worried." The shorter rotund guy said as the taller skinnier guy said. "You wanna team up with us? We'll take you wherever you want to go!" Naruto noticed Silica was getting uncomfortable so he grabbed her arm and said. "Sorry but after helping her out I've decided to take her under my wing. She'll be safe with me guys I promise." The two guys began to glare before noticing the blood red duster jacket and the demonic sword on his back. "It's really nice of you to offer, but he did already agree to help me. Kay bye!" She then grabbed Naruto back and dragged him away as the guys said to eachother. "Silica is now being trained by the Bloody Kitsune." the chubby guy said. "That guy is a monster, poor Silica. Look what he did to that Sachi girl. It was said she was sweet and shy before she met him, now......" The skinny one said. "Shhh one of her minions might hear you."
Naruto smirked as they walked away arm in arm and he said cheekily as he pulled her closer. "Well look at you with a little fan club miss popular." Silicia sighed and said. "No I'm not popular. They don't take me seriously. They want me to be their mascot. They call me dragon tamer.... and I guess I let it get to my head." At that she got really sad as tears threated to escape her ducts. Naruto ruffled her hair and said. "Don't worry, we're gonna make it in time." Silicia beamed at the words and the affection, literally leaning into Naruto's hand as he patted her head. Her cheeks reddened as she said. "Okay!" Naruto then put a dark cloak on over his duster so as to not draw attention. As they continued to walk, She asked the redhead. "So do you live around here Naruto?" Naruto shook his head as he looked around. "Nah, I don't really have a home. I have a building I bought to store items from my inventory I don't currently need but I don't have a home yet. I was planning on camping in a tree tonight til I came upon you. But I'll find a place to get a room." Silica tilted her head but nodded. "If you stay, I'll take you out for some cheesecake! It's really good here!" She said cheerfully before a voice said. "Wow! If it isn't Silica!" The duo turned to see the red haired woman Naruto was stalking earlier along with three guys behind her. 'My Target seems to have taken a liking to the chibi here. That's not good.' The woman then said. "Wow, you made it out of the forest alive. Good for you, girl. Hang on. What happened to your little friend the lizard? Did it run away?" Naruto could feel Silica become uncomfortable as she said. "Pina died saving me. But... I'm gonna get Pina back!" The woman tilted her cross shaped pole arm towards the road as she said. "Really? I guess you'll be heading for the hill of memories then. I wonder if youll be able to clear it at your level." Naruto rolled his eyes and with his best cheerful smile he said. "Well of course she will. I'll be there with her every step of the way!" The woman sighed and said. "Oh god, this girl seduced another player. No it's not difficult, but you don't look that strong." Naruto looked straight into her eyes as he replied. "Looks can be decieving. Come on Silica-chan, let's go." As they walked off Naruto kept an eye out knowing that she'd plant a tail on them to find out more info. 'Gotta be extra careful with Silica around and being in my target's sights.'
After getting some food and sitting for a bit Silica asked. "Why does she have to be so mean?" Naruto sighed as he finished chewing his food and said. "In MMOs like this sometimes people fall into a role, and some people really prefer being the bad guy. You see how our cursors are green? Well if you commit a crime against another player, then your Cursor's gonna turn orange. Then they become what is called a red player." Naruto's eyes hardened as he growled out the words. "The worst, also known as player killers. They're all about murder." Silica gasped and shook a bit. "They kill other players?" Naruto nodded is head as he continued to speak. "In a normal game, they roleplay as the bad guy, have some laughs and it's cool. But SAO isn't normal. It's definitely not a game. But since the founding of the police and knight guilds, there haven't been many red players out in the open." His face softened a bit as Silica responded. "Naruto." Naruto smiled at her and said. "Sorry, didn't mean to get all hard on ya." Silica stood and smacked the table, leaning toward's the redhead as she said. "Well I think you're good! I mean, you saved me after all." Naruto smiled again and patted her head. "Here you are trying to cheer me up when I'm the one trying to cheer you up. Thank you, Silica-chan." Silica's face got really red and she started to spasm around animatedly. "Ahhhh, Wow, where the heck is our cheesecake already!? Excuse me?! Our dessert hasn't shown up yet." Silica shouted out, and Naruto just chuckled at her in amusement. 'You're a very fun person Silica-chan, I will make sure you live to the end of this death game. That's a promise.' He thought to himself as he watched the girl.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2023 ⏰

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