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The serenity that surrounded Sapphire, did nothing
to quell her crazed thoughts trampling over each other. Her days with the Blakes had kept her sane, away from tipping over the edge of the cliff and falling into the dark abyss of madness that curled somewhere in the deepest corner of her brain. Her hands twitched for revenge and her blood boiled with an innate fire every time she dared look back. Every fibre of her being abhorred the very existence of the tyrant king, a man who had condemned an entire race to annihilation for heaven knew whatever deranged reason. She felt the itch under her skin, a hot prickling that made her shift uncomfortably whenever she stood still too long.

She was a huntress, a wild predator. Her skills had been honed over the years. She was a deadly forest tigress. She knew not how to stay put, how to remain caged and roped. She had a lust for freedom as did all her VannØrn kin, and the Butcher knew. Everyone knew and yet he had put the dagger in his own gut. And Sapphire knew. She knew that any man, woman or child belonging to her sept would fight tooth and nail against Parr and she knew Parr would be the one monarch whose demise would be one at which the bravest shuddered.

He was going to burn for his crimes.

She had seen the civilians getting restless, irritated at each and every new decree that was passed in favour of the higher classes and against them. The rope was becoming too tight. It was only a matter of time before it snapped. She had heard whispers among the citizens, the news brought by the herald about the uprisings starting over the country. All of them squashed like annoying ants. How long till the dam broke and the water rushed out, raging and taking the system with its demonic waves?

One of her fingers traced the parchment of her book, the words on the tome blurring into a single dark mess. A breeze blew in through the open window, carrying the tangy scent of lemons from the rose garden.

"I see you've finally taken interest in my work," Rueen's voice floated towards her after the ruffling of the curtains behind her.

"I was bored," Sapphire said, gently shutting the book, the hard cover making a light thump against the pages. "Healing isn't my forte," she added with a soft smile.

"I know," Rueen set a wicker basket on one of the tables, the glass vials inside clinking. "You excel in waving your daggers and bows around. It's a pity the army's rotten. You would've made a good fighter."

Sapphire let an amused smile play on her face. "I'm flattered. I didn't know you thought so highly of me."

Rueen merely rolled her eyes and started to empty her basket, putting the empty bottles in a bowl of water. The silence stretched out between them, one that only occurred in friendly companionship. It was not till James came back that it was broken. Sapphire stood up from her place beside the sizzling stew and bolted the door shut.

Her shoulders sagged when James shook his head. She had heard no word about any escapees from Kapok; it made sense that they would remain hidden among the shadows. She expected James or Rueen to have found something, they were the ones who had access to each and every thing that went around the city unlike her, who sat cooped up in the small house with nothing to do.

"He's onto us," James declared in a low voice as they sat gulping down their bread and stew. Sapphire felt the liquid burn her throat as she spluttered, fanning her tongue.

Rueen dropped her bread on her plate and lowered her arms, staring at her father. "Elyane suspects something. Kara, Lady Leilani's handmaiden, has been keeping an eye and ear out for me. A favour for her father's cure. She got word of it as she served them during dinner last night."

A silence wrapped itself around them as James lowered his eyes to the bread in his hands, a frown settled between his brows. The quiet stretched out between them like a thick veil, estranging their thoughts from each other. Sapphire grit her teeth in annoyance.

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