Chapter 21

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I wake up to the sound of knocking. I tiredly get out of bed rubbing my eyes and stumble my way to the door.

"Good morning sir, time for breakfast," a butler said.

I yawn and follow him to the dining room.

Entering the room I'm greeted by Ime, his father, I assume mother, and Gloria.

All of them were already eating and I sit down and join them.

"How did you sleep?" Ime said.

"Wonderful. Thanks." I said.

Gloria looks at me. "So, why are you here?"

Oh, brother...

"I need money," I said.

Gloria looks repulsed. "You don't have a job?"

"Well, I was working at a grocery store but I got fired."

"For what," she said.

"Allegedly encouraging prostitution..."

"That's gross."

I sigh.

"Can y'all not talk about this during breakfast," Ime said. "Besides I had something I wanted to ask you, Gloria."

She looks at Ime. "Yes, what is it?"

"Could let Dominic borrow some dresses from you?"

She scoffs. "Absolutely not. I'm not letting this crossdresser touch a thing of mine."

"Fine, be like that. Guess we'll have to take away your raise."

"You can't do that," she said and looked at Ime's father.

He just sips his tea.

"You're allowing this?" She said.

"Of course he is. I'm his son. You're just a worker," Ime said.

"Well, while you were away playing with the peasants, I was keeping this place together. Is that right, sir?"

Ime's father looks at Gloria and she shrinks in her chair.

"Remember your place. My son requested that you allow his company your dresses, so do it," Ime's father said.

Gloria's nose turns red but she calms herself down. "Fine."

She gets up from her seat. "Come with me," she said to me.

"But I'm still eating," I said.

"I said come!" she said then cleared her throat. "I mean I'll wait then," she said then sat down.

The room goes silent and everyone goes back to eating.

Gloria waits impatiently, tapping her finger against the dining table.

I know agreed to crossdress but I didn't know it'd be a big deal. Hopefully, these dresses don't become the normal routine.

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