Part 3: Siri Play Dilemma By Nelly

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Seriously, what is she talking about? My real parents have been dead for more than a decade

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Seriously, what is she talking about? My real parents have been dead for more than a decade.

"What the hell are you saying?" I spit out through clenched teeth.

"What I'm saying is that we have information on what really happened to your parents," She said to me calmly.

This gets all the wheels in my head turning, and the memories of my parent's car crash all come flooding back. It was just labelled a freak accident, but as I got older, I always thought that there was something weird about it. My therapist said that because there wasn't concrete evidence or much information surrounding their death, I was trying to cope by searching for a reason why it had to be them who died. But now, I guess the fishy feelings that I had were warranted. It probably has something to do with the fact that all their police files were confidential and we couldn't access them. I was always told it was because the people in the other car were of "high importance". 

"Alright, and what does that actually have to do with me?" I question. "You seriously had to surveil me for a week and ambush me during class?"

Blondie spouts, "Were you literally listening to anything I said before?"

I turn and blink at him fuming.

"Y-o-u  a-r-e  i-n  d-a-n-g-e-r." He spells out like I'm an idiot.

Agent Cameron calls out, "Cade, would you shut the fuck up," she continues, "Do you seriously think that talking to her like that is gonna get us anywhere?" She lets out a heavy sigh and sits back in her seat while Cade, I guess his name is, sits seething like a child who was just scolded.

The rest of the class goes by without any more conversation from any of them. As the students file out of the class and Mrs. Boothe packs up her stuff, Shea squeezes me on the knee and starts picking up her stuff.

"Dyl, I'll wait for you outside," she cooed, "Scream if you need me."

Chuckling slightly I squeeze her hand, "Thanks babe, but I'll be fine."

With Shea now out of sight, I felt the weight of the situation bears down on me. I take a deep breath, "Alright, tell me what's going on, please."

"We believe that you're in danger because of the information you're believed to have." Agent Cameron clarifies.

The look on my face must tell them that I literally have no idea what they're talking about because she continues.

"As you have probably figured out, your parents' car accident wasn't particularly an accident." She swallows, "and it is believed that the organization that was responsible is now focused on you because of the information they think you have."

"Okay, so what information am I supposed to have?" I ask, "And what part do my parents have in this?"

This time, Cade speaks up, "On their last job, they were supposed to have collected information that would bring down the Accardi Mafia Syndicate in New York."

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