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It was back to reality for Kyoko as she was back at work. She had spent the rest of her week off at Makoto's place until last night. She missed him holding her while they were sleeping together. The couple agreed to keep their relationship a secret for a while. So, they could enjoy peace and quiet before the media ruckus and questions from their class.

Kyoko was in her office looking at a new case that was brought forward to her. There was a knock on her door. "Come in!"

The door opened, and Junko walked in. "Geez, there you are Kirigiri," Junko said. "You could have texted me last week saying that you took the week off. I came here last week to find that you gave yourself a weeks holiday."

"Apologies," Kyoko replied. "I thought the last time we spoke to each other. I thought you wouldn't want to see my name on your phone. Also, I didn't think you would come back."

"Nah, trust me I've been through a lot worse," Junko replied. "I argue with my managers all the time at my modelling jobs."

"Fair enough. How is Ikusaba?"

"Ah, she is doing great. She is living with me now. Until she can land herself an apartment herself. But she is now my bodyguard, and I couldn't be happier. I get to spend time with Muku once again."

"Good," Kyoko said still looking at the case notes. "A small case to get me back into the swing of things," she muttered.

"So how was your week off?" Junko asked.

"It was good," Kyoko answered. "Naegi and I hung about with each other. It was like old times."

"I'm glad because Muku did say that apart from her Naegi was alone," Junko replied. "She did also say that he was going to be living in that mansion by himself now."

"It's a big mansion. I will tell you that much. As for Naegi, that's his choice, and I'm afraid to say," Kyoko replied. "Maybe he will find a girl that he is interested and move in with him." Kyoko stopped looking at her notes and looked at Junko with a smile. "Why not you Enoshima you are still single are you not?"

"Huh?" Junko said in shock. "Why on Earth would I want to date Naegi? I mean come on he is very plain! Plus you do have feelings for him."

"Did have feelings for him," Kyoko corrected Junko. "I've decided to let go of my feelings for him and look towards the future and find someone else."

Junko stared at Kyoko in disbelief.

"What's wrong Enoshima was it something that I said?" Kyoko asked confused.

"What about him?" Junko asked. "He does have feelings for you!"

"I doubt that," Kyoko said coldly. She went into her drawer and pulled out a diary and placed it on her desk. "Anyway take this diary. A few people have phone about meetings with me. I've left all of that for you to arrange. I've got this case to work on."

Kyoko stood up and put the case into a file and picked it up. "This shouldn't take me long it's a simple burglary. If you change your mind about Naegi. I can give him your number if you like?"

"I will pass on the number thanks. Naegi should be yours. Don't worry about the meetings. I will have them all arranged, and I will text you the dates and also put them in the diary."

"Give up it Enoshima. Anyway, I'm off." Kyoko replied. She left her office with the file in hand.

"Ok that was weird," Junko muttered. "Did something happen between the pair last week and that's why she was trying to offer Naegi to me? Or was she trying to play mind games with me in order to avoid me pairing her and Naegi together?"

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