Class reunion and surprise

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Makoto was finally home. He took a shorter work day and went to buy something important. He also went to see Kyoko's father Jin to ask him a few questions about a few things.

Makoto headed upstairs to his bedroom and pulled out a small box and hid it in the very back of his bedside drawer.

"Not until the time is right," he muttered as he closed his drawer.

It was the week of the class reunion. Kyoko had officially moved out of her apartment and moved in officially to the mansion. Because Makoto would take care of the bills for the mansion. Kyoko realised that she would be financially better off. Due to the fact she no longer had to pay rent for her old apartment and the shopping, she agreed to pay for would be slightly dear now because she was paying for two people and not just one. Of course, the holidays would be equal as well.

Makoto put on a tank top and shorts and headed downstairs. He smelled something good coming from the kitchen and went to investigate. He found Kyoko in the kitchen making the dinner.

"That smells good," he said. "Where is Tojo?

Kyoko turned around and looked sad. "Tojo was really sick. I came home early, and we spoke about a few things. Then next second she threw up, and she looked really pale."

"Is she ok?" Makoto said concerned.

"She looked much better when I took her home. But I phoned one of her friends to come over and look after her."

Makoto pulled his phone out of his pocket and phoned Kirumi, and thankfully she picked up.

"Hello Master," Kirumi said weakly.

"Don't master me!" Makoto said concerned. "How are you?"

"I still feel ill. But I feel much better than I did when I threw up in front of Miss Kirigiri."

"Tojo, did you feel sick at any point before you threw up?" Makoto asked.

"Yes, I felt ill all day," she replied quietly as she knew she was going an ear bashing from Makoto.

"Tojo," he sighed. "You're health is more important to me than you trying to keep mansion spotless. If you felt ill, you should have phoned me."

"I'm sorry Master."

"I order you not to come in for the rest of the week. Take it as a holiday and no buts. Understood?"

"Yes, Master," Kirumi said weakly.

"Good, now look after yourself, and I will see you next week. Goodbye Tojo."

"Goodbye Master."

Makoto put the phone back in his pocket, and he began to rub his face.

"How is she feeling?" Kyoko asked as she was still staring at her boyfriend.

"Tojo is still under the weather. But she says that she is feeling much better than she did when she threw up in front of you. Kyoko thank you for looking after her."

"It's alright," she replied warmly. "I've grown fond of Tojo over the past few weeks. Before she threw up. She was telling me how she treated herself to that bonus you give her. She also said that wishes to serve you for years to come."

"Really?" Makoto said shocked.

"Yes, Kyoko nodded. "She also said something that I disapproved off."

"What she got a crush on me?" He joked.

"No," she replied. "Tojo is going to start calling me Mistress soon."

"Mistress?" Makoto replied stunned.

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