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It had been just a few days since Marco had claimed Moira as his next slave, easily taking advantage of her being a shareholder of Talon's regime, which easily gave him access not only to all of the agency's recruits, technology and weaponry; but now even gave him access to a new agency that he's eyeing next: Overwatch. Ever since Moira had mentioned about these potential slaves, he did his research and studies about who were these members. He definitely was interested in them, considering some of them had technology that even he could dream of getting his hands on.

Currently, he was reached out by one of the members, Mercy, the specific member that Moira wanted to capture first. He knew that she could be an asset, considering that she was some sort of representative (according to his knowledge) of the Overwatch agency. What was interesting however, was the fact that she wanted a partnership with Hyphen, which was something he wouldn't expect an agency do. Nonetheless, he decided to go along with this and head to the disclosed location, which was just a few meters away from the main base.

A few hours later, he arrived at the designated location, before arriving to a small cliff side where he could see where the Overwatch base was, and a mysterious figure standing there. "I assume you're Mercy, right?" he'd ask, sliding his hands in his leather coat as he wanted to see what was this about before he striaght up shot the healer with his hypno pistol. "I'm the representative for Hyphen, Marco Aplelen. I suppose you have a reason for calling me here?"

Angela Zeigler, codename Mercy, watched as Marco Aplelen approached her. She was aware of the work Hyphen was doing with mind control technology, and truth be told, it worried her. That sort of technology getting into the wrong hands could be very dangerous. But Overwatch had gotten the patents for many technologies before they could be abused, and that was what they were hoping to do with Hyphen's technology.

And so, Mercy had set up a meeting to speak with one of their representatives. She was a little nervous, truth be told, knowing what mind control could do to some people. But Mercy had her own preparations made in case things went south. "You can call me Dr. Zeigler." She said, sizing up Marco as they put his hands in his pockets. "Overwatch wanted to talk with you about the technology your company is developing."

"Yes, I was made aware of that, I was told it was an important matter." Marco stated as he adjusted his glasses standing face to face with Angela. "I assume it has to be important considering your concern with Hyphen's current technology and such." He stated, crossing his arms as he eyed Mercy slightly.

Admittedly, he too was skeptical of Overwatch. While he definitely wanted an opportunity to get more recruits for Hyphen, it was the fact that they called to him first and not the other way around like he did with Talon. Also, the fact that Mercy was the one they sent over I stead of any of their other agents. "Now, what is this all about then, Ms. Zeigler? I suppose this is more than just a simple business meeting amongst two corporate bodies?" He'd ask once more, the glimmer in his glasses seemed to be different somewhat.

"Well you are correct in some regards Mr. Aplelen." Mercy said, watching his every movement intently. He didn't seem happy with the way he was crossing his arms. And there was something strange about his glasses.  Not enough to arouse suspicion, but definitaly mad her cautious.

"Overwatch is intent on purchasing the patents and technology your company is working on, particularly in the mental effects field. We feel if that technology falls into the wrong hands, it could prove disastrous. That is why Overwatch is intent on purchasing the rights to it, so we can ensure it doesn't become an issue at all." She continued.

"You want to purchase Hyphen's patents and technology? I'm not sure if we can easily approve of that, what's the caveat? What's the return on investment, if you don't mind me asking?" Marco would askz adjusting his glasses, which strangely seemed to have some sort of hidden spiralling design as it reflected with the sun, almost hypnotizing Mercy greatly even if she caught a glimpse of it.

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